The 40s flying car <bucky fanfic>

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It had been over 70 years since Bucky saw you last. He had only one picture of you he kept on his person at all times to remind him of you. It was from the 40s; he had taken you out to see Howard Stark. The man who, that day, had supposedly made a car that could fly. Bucky had always been a huge nerd, he loved the hobbit books and was fascinated by new technology, like flying cars.

"This will be the future, our future" he had whispered to you as Stark powered up the car and buckys arm squeezed around you tighter, making you feel safe. You remember that smile he had when the car started to lift up, and the small gasped laugh that left his lips as you looked up at him. Although, soon after that the car crashed back down to the ground, it had only been a few inches off the ground.

"I did say a few more years, didn't I" Stark had followed with. Steve had also come along with you and you had set him up with one of your friends, although he didn't seem too interested as he had left soon after the 'flying' car exhibit. Your friend had gone home after Steve, leaving you and Bucky alone together.

As it began to get dark that day, Bucky had given you his uniform jacket to put over your shoulders and placed his soldiers hat balancing carefully on your head as you both wandered back to his. Only stopping for a man with a camera to take a photo of the both of you. That was the photo he always kept of you.

It was placed in his pocket, top right like usual, on the inside so it was close to him. So you were close to him. He had visited you earlier, and expressed his relief for finally defeating Thanos after 5 years. He told you all about it but left out the part about him turning to dust, so not to make you worry. You listened patiently, as you always did, you were never much of a talker even to Bucky. You used to talk all the time, but now he only visited you and you didn't say much. Typically, nothing at all.

"We did it. I'm sorry you couldn't be here," Bucky began as he spoke to you, not taking his eyes off your gravestone

"Steve's going back to return the stones soon. I told him to say hi to you if he saw you, before you fell" he laughed. The same gasped laugh from the night of the flying car. Only this one seemed more forced and emotional.

"I helped defeat an alien race, and I saw space ships and a talking raccoon. But no flying car, in case you were wondering."

**I know this is kinda short. I might make a part 2 that's less depressing**

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