Youre doing this on porpose (part 2) <loki fanfic>

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You arrived at the scene, cop cars covering the entrance and sirens still wailing around the building. Your mind briefly flicked back to New York when Loki was approaching you outside a similar looking building and as his dark eyes were fixed on yours. His right arm had stretched out far from his body with the sceptre in hand and a bolt of energy jumped from the sceptre and collided with a cop's car, causing it to flip and scrape across the ground. It wasn't as if Loki cared, though, his mind was fixated on yours and his eyes never tore away from your body.

Looking around the scene, the scent of fine asgardian leather filled your nose, and that was something only a god and a Prince could get their hands on. Loki was definitely here. You felt butterflies dance around in your stomach as you realised and you couldn't tell if it was nerves or the excitement of knowing Loki was here, metres away from your grasp. It might have been a mix of emotions, you weren't sure, but it definitely wasn't fear. You didn't fear Loki. You were almost intrigued by him and is mind. However you knew, and he had proven multiple times, that he wouldn't kill you. Hurt you though, maybe but it would all be part of the fun.

You proceeded into the building and a sea of citizens flooded out, pushing past you and not even looking up at you. They knocked your shoulders back as they headed to the exit and out into safety. Your eyes tore away from them and looked up towards Loki. His glimmer of magic immediately caught your eye as he changed into his armour and helmet. Those horns really did look stupid, you almost forgot from the last time you saw him. He flashed a smile as you and stretched his arms out, as if he was indicating for you to admire his outfit change.

"Not bad," you joked as your eyes slowly shifted down his body and back up again to meet his gaze, "the horns are a bit unnecessary though"

"And to think, I only put them on for you, darling" he remarked, with that smirk plastered to his face.

"Let's get this over with then shall we," you said with a sign, "I fight you, you fight me, that's usually how it works. Isn't it"

"Not today my dear. Unless that's what you'd prefer" he asked, the god of mischief and lies being mysterious as always. He proceeded to drop his knives and daggers to the marble floor with a clatter before raising his hands beside his head. You could only watch him do so in astonishment, words raced through your mind but none came out. It was probably best they didn't anyway, seeing him in such a position for you had your mind racing. It wasn't often Loki just surrendered to his enemies. In fact, it had never happened before without a fight first.

"Prefer it to what?" You finally voiced, almost whispering as Loki's face when straight and slightly cold. He might've gotten rid of his smirk, but he was definitely up to something he was keeping concealed from you. 

"You can take me in. I fall victim to you." He stated, a straight face on and no emotion in the words. As tempting as the offer was, you felt there was more here than what he was letting on. Even if there wasn't, you didn't fully want to bring him in, you never fought him to your full potential. Perhaps if you did you've have won and taken him in a while ago and he'd still be kept from you in that cell. But this didn't feel like a winning sort of game anymore. It must've been a while you were stood, debating your options, as when you snapped back into reality, Loki was about 5 steps closer to you and his hands were down.

You could see past him, and even now his daggers were on the floor behind him, in an unorganised clutter. You still held your own knives in your hand tightly, knowing there were more strapped to your thighs and in your holsters. But you never used them, even when he was still slowly approaching you, step by step. There always something about what he said, and how he said it. You knew he wouldn't just let you take him in, but there was a reason he suggested it and you wanted to know what it was, rather than just taking him in right away.

"Is that a no? You wont?" He asked, his tone was slightly softer but there was still a sternness that let you know he was in control now. You didn't answer, any moment now you were expecting him to strike at you.

"We have a connection. You know you won't be able to see me if you take me in." He pointed out. You froze as you realised he may be right. He was right. But you knew it was wrong, he had killed 80 people in 2 days and killed because it's fun. He managed to notice that he was right, and slowly he got closer to the point he was close to circling you like a shark. He towered over you but you still looked up at him with a stern face to meet his fixed look on you. He let out a small, gasp of a laugh before tilting his head slightly, allowing some of his hair to fall past his shoulders and hang beside you.

"Maybe I just don't trust you. God of mischief." You managed to force out. It was partly true, you had been warned about him by all the avengers, nick fury, agent hill and almost everyone at shield he was untrustworthy and a trickster. Part of him sounded sincere but Thor had remarked before he was incapable of sincerity and you weren't about to be fooled by some greasy-haired god.

"I'll offer you a deal. And an asgardian doesn't go back on their word, not even the god of mischief" he mentioned. It was true, you had known asgardians to be loyal to their word, and Loki sounded as sincere as you'd ever heard him be. Not to mention, you were intrigued by his proposal.

"Go on." You looked up at him, trying to act as confident as you could despite him towering over you. He seemed pleased by your answer, almost proud you trusted him and wanted to know more. Loki, was proud of you. Your heart race sped up and your breath became uneven. Loki didn't seem to notice that much and he opened his mouth to speak, only briefly breaking the eye contact.

"I am the only thing allowing us to see each other. If I stopped doing what I'm doing we would never meet again. And I feel as though you owe me something back-" he said calmly, his eyes glistening with roguery. Before you cut him off, eyebrows slightly raised and a small smile placed on your face.

"-in return for that, I don't bring you in. What more do I owe you?" You smiled slightly, awaiting his response. Slightly too eager to know as he licked his lips in order to respond.

"You owe your king a lot more. For example," his eyes darted down, enough for you to purposely notice, before coming back up as he edged his lips closer to yours. "Coming to see me more. Alone. With no one knowing. It shall be easy to sneak you into my chambers on Asgard. I can go back any time I like."

The heat of his breath tingled your lips but before you could respond, or barely think about the offer for a moment he had stepped back, just as your lips were about to collide and held out one of his large hands.

"Deal?" He posed. Your mind began to catch up as Loki's hand was still held out, asking for an agreement. You knew what he was asking as soon as he mentioned his chambers on Asgard. You would be strictly forbidden to take part of it was up to the avengers or nick. But there was something about the thrill of the mischief that made you want to agree and do whatever it is he requests willingly. Your fingers twitched and you rose your hand, ready to shake his and agree to visit him in his chambers whenever he pleases.

You froze. Your hand stopped in an instant when you heard your name being called in the distance. Loki's gaze was already locked onto the person who called you. It was Fury. His pace quickened into almost a run, desperate to split up you and Loki before it was too late. But his face was the same and his eye was only looking at Loki, as if you weren't there at all. However, Loki was smiling, he didn't look worried or nervous, though you had never seen him be nervous or worried.

"Until next time, my love." He turned to you, his smile turning into a mischievous smirk. "My chambers are always open to you" and with that he disappeared. Green flares taking his body, or his illusion, and leaving you stuck with fury, having to explain why you were stood talking to my mission.

No matter what nick said, all you could think about was seeing Loki again. This time in his room. On his bed.

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