Youre doing this on purpose (part 1) <loki fanfic>

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Loki was back again. You weren't very surprised, it was the fifth time this month. You were never able to catch him though, never able to bring him in but you had come the closest out of all the avengers. And Loki wasn't posing much of a full avengers level threat. He wasn't trying to take over New York like when you first met in 2012.

You groaned in annoyance, you knew you had to take care of him like you usually did. Loki was in your job area- drama queens that aren't an avengers level threat. Well, that wasn't really your area, but the avengers made it so. Tony had pretty much given you the job to 'handle him', and Thor was tired of getting stabbed by Loki so he was next to insist you took the job. The other avengers agreed soon after, and after Tony felt the need to abruptly point out Steve actually agreed with him for once, the job was yours.

Unfortunately, Loki was the only one who really fit into the category so it was more like you vs Loki for the rest of your time working for shield. This soon came to his attention too, and he became more mischievous, even for the god of mischief, and you soon saw each other as much as Loki wanted, which was about 7 times a month. Exhausting for you. But with you seeing him as often as enemies could, it was almost like something was happening between you. He was very charming, you gave him that.

You first thought there might be something when you were fighting, it was about 5 months ago, on the 3rd time he had caused mayhem that month, when he had pushed you against the wall mid fight. You could feel your heartbeat speed up as his arm pushed your chest to the wall, and his dagger mere centimetres away from your neck. He could've ended it then and there, but he didn't. He just did that fuckboy smirk he always did, giving you enough time to push the inside of his arm away from you, leaving the dagger dropping to the floor and him backing away. Though the smirk never left his face, even when you had stopped him killing you and supposedly ruined his plans.

Loki must've seen something there too as a few months ago you had both been mid fight, you were winning of course, you remember that clearly. He had grabbed your wrist, dropping your dagger to the floor and he spun you closer to him, your back falling against his firm chest. He held you close to him and you struggled to escape his grasp, although you didn't try too hard. It wasn't the worst position to be in with him, though you had thought of better ones in that moment.

He could've ended it all then too, you were almost defenceless, but again he didn't, he just whispered in your ear (in that soft tone you had heard in 2012 in New York when you had first come face to face) "I can feel your heartbeat speeding up, darling" and that left your eyes darting down to his two fingers lightly pressing against your pulse. In a slight panic he may have figured you out, your arm slipped out his grip and elbowed him in the nose. From there you had kicked his chest, sending him descending onto the floor.

You remembered the way you straddled him after that, the look of shock and lust in his eyes caused you to smirk and lick your lips, before then knocking him out and bringing him in. That was the first time you had caught him since 2012 but you couldn't see him much when he was locked up in a cell designed for something a lot stronger than him. Your job was to bring him in, not to have conversations with him when he was in a cell.

After only a few days, Loki had escaped and the chase was back on. Ironically, you had voiced the day before, that Loki didn't need as much security as he had, and had decided to half his security. This only made it slightly easier for him to escape. You had managed to convince the workers of shield it was nothing but a coincidence when any of the avengers had brought it up. However, like you had thought, they had their suspicions.

This time, it was agent Hill that told you Loki was back. You had grown quite close since you started working for shield and Fury. Maria was the one who convinced Shield to let you continue working to bring in Loki, after he escaped the first time. And the second. That escape wasn't your doing though, Thor had fallen for one of Loki's illusion tricks yet again when he went to visit him the second time, allowing loki to slip past him as he opened the cell doors.

Even so, you couldn't blame him for it, you too had fallen for that one multiple times, you had even crashed through a window when you launched yourself at Loki's illusion without realising it wasn't him. You last saw it disappear as you looked up from your fall and into the broken window. You were caught just before you hit the ground by Loki on some sort of small asgardian spaceship. Another example of when he could've ended the fight and let u die, but he didn't. "Are you ever not going to fall for that" you remember him asking, in a deep husky voice. You didn't even need to look up to know he was smirking. You could hear it in his voice and it made u scowl.

When news got to you he was back, you knew it wasn't going to end well. The flirting had only got more intense and the feelings had only gotten stronger, you knew it was wrong. He was your enemy, not your lover or partner. In addition, you knew Loki to be a flirt with everyone, it was clear he was doing it to get to you and break you and you hated it. You hated his manipulative side but you figured you saw it more than anyone else with you spending so much time fighting him.

Agent Hill had given you all the details on the case by the time you had gathered your daggers and guns in your holsters on your suit. Even though you knew you could never use a gun on Loki, but a dagger he'd survive. It was only him at a fancy meeting in a mansion taking over. Getting them to kneel, all the basic stuff he usually did. He had even told you to kneel the first time you met, and though the offer was tempting in a different way, you decided kicking his ass was a better option. And you would do the same this time.

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