A maniac locked up (part 3) <zemo fanfic>

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We sort of sat in silence. Me and Zemo. I had seen the prison, I had mapped out my escape. I had a safety pin earring none of the guards seemed to notice. The locks were hard to pick, but not impossible. That was on the outside of the glass though and smashing it would alert everyone and set off an alarm. But if I added the knife I'd steal from a guard to a circular metal ...thing I could cut out a circle I can put back into place every night. And the knifes could also cut through the bars after time. I might have to try and cut through more every night, I couldn't do it in one.

There was also a vent in the room, it must connect to the guards security room. I could put a bomb through it, a gas bomb though of course, I'd want them to be alive to witness the sight of my empty cell. It would only knock them out for a bit and allowing an easy escape.

I'd feel slightly guilty for leaving Zemo in the prison though. But it was his choice after all, even if there was a chance the vent might also connect to his and the gas may knock him out too. I'm sure it would be fine, it's just about living life on the edge I suppose.

I sort of fidgeted around a bit, looking at the things around my room. Just a few books and a small, metal shelf connected to the wall. And a random metal bar handle on one wall, whatever you'd use that for. This cell really needed a renovation and redecoration. Grey and white walls really brought out the cell part of the room.

"How come you got a radio?" I asked. Zemo looked up and nodded his head slightly before answering

"Special request" he said, his voice was deep and rough. There must be something soft about him to level it out, there was with everything else about him.

"Teachers pet-" I whispered through my smile. Which also apparently made him smile too. So he wasn't all serious. Good.

"Not mine. Buckys. I might as well get something for helping them." He smiled. His book was left in his right hand now, he had put it down finally to listen to me. Cute.

"Wow. Lucky you getting something for helping him as well as this amazing cell." Sarcasm was the only language I spoke. My eyes gazed around my cell. It was basically the same as him. So he must have been so lucky to have this as a gift from Bucky and Sam.

"And who gave you the gift of this cell?" He asked, smiling. He had such a cute smile. And there it was, the softness of his smile to level out the toughness of his voice.

"I guess it was stark. Considering he's a billionaire I was expecting something more elegant." I smiled. "Maybe a few paintings" I added. Moving my hands to make a box shape in the air to picture a painting there. Zemo chuckled a bit. It made me feel warm inside knowing I made him happy. I just hoped I wasn't turning soft around him

"I would quite like a few more books. Maybe a pot plant" he wafted his hand in the air and opened his mouth a bit to laugh. I just stared at his lips as he did, barely taking in what he was saying. Again I was mesmerised by his perfect features.

"I'm sure Bucky could put a word in for a plant. maybe a 50 shades of grey book?" I laughed and looked into his eyes. But it was only responded by Zemo asking what 50 shades of grey was. Great. How was I going to explain this one.

"When I get out of here I'll send you a copy" I joked. But it caused Zemo's soft smile to fade. And caused his head to turn away from me. He picked up his book back up and searched for the last page with his fingers. Godly fingers.

"If" he said quietly. I don't know if he intended for me to hear or not but either way, I did.

I thought about what he said long after it happened. Maybe a bit too long. Did he mean it wasn't easy to escape here, or he didn't want me to.? Probably the first option. It would be quieter without me I won't lie, and he'd have peace to read his book. So yes, probably the first one.

I looked at the small corner shelf and the books on it. There was only a few. All with blank covers, just singular coloured, hard back books. I went over to the shelf and picked one up, it looked old and the front cover was a blank dark green. Must be an interesting book. It was similar to the one he was reading, probably the same. Maybe we'd have something to talk about while we're here.

I opened up the cover and flicked back a couple of the upstanding pages and it was obvious dust had gathered between them. The first few pages were just blank and slightly yellow, but a pale, cream yellow. Then a title, and a large paragraph introducing the book appeared on the next page. Damn, it was in sokovian. One of the very few languages I didn't speak. I held the spine of the book in my left hand and flicked through the pages with my right, hoping to find some pages written in English. But nope, they were all sokovian.

"Hmm, u speak sokovian" Zemo asked, looking slightly surprised. He must've heard me flicking through the pages.

"Uh actually no. Didn't realise it would be written in sokovian. Are they all written in that?" I asked, hoping they weren't. There wasn't much else to do here and if I couldn't read I'd be bored out of my mind.

"No. There's German and wakandans also I believe" he said. He was smart then. And bilingual I'm guessing. Handy. But they were also languages I didn't speak unfortunately.

"Ah, the languages I don't speak. Ironic" I sighed, I closed the book and placed it carefully back on the shelf. I sat on my bed brought my legs up and crossed them and slightly swayed side to side in boredom on the soft furniture.

"I could read it to you and translate it for you if you would like?" He offered, noticing I was bored. A real gentleman. I had already heard him speak English in a sokovian accent though. He would probably sound even better speaking the actual language I bet.

"Well If it's written in sokovian, you might as well read it to me in sokovian." I said, trying not to give away the fact I didn't care about the book, just about hearing his voice.

"For someone to read to you in a language you don't understand. It must not be about the book' he smirked. Well, I did a great job at hiding that.

He began to read from where he was in the book. I suppose it didn't matter where he started, it's not like id understand it. It really did sound like music, like poetry flowing out his mouth. I had no idea what he was saying though, it could be about killing children but it still sounded so beautifully elegant in his voice and in his accent.

I could listen to him reading for hours, and I did. Up until he finished the book and looked up at me longingly, I snapped out of my fantasy, I was just daydreaming and lost in his voice. It was so soothing.

"I didn't understand a word you said. But it was very nice" I laughed, lost for words. Nice. Who the hell would say that and use it as a complement.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" he smiled, keeping eye contact for a few moments before looking away. Leaving me sort of hoping he would've kept it. I loved looking into his eyes. It was comforting.

We had lost track of the day though and soon the lights just turned off, I guess this was the prisons way of telling us to sleep. I didn't know what time it was, it could've been midday and I wouldn't have known. And I couldn't see Zemo through the darkness and partly wondered how I would be able to see anything if I was going to try and edge my way to escape every night.

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