Chapter 26: Date With Diggory

Start from the beginning

After another ten minutes, did the two girls release me. I hated to admit it but the look suited me nicely. I wore a light grey sweater, topped with a pair of light blue jeans and black boots. My hair was transformed to a colour of blonde with curls, reaching down past my shoulders, the side sections brought in but a few strands left out to frame my face.

The makeup was light, a slight blush tinted my cheeks, and pink lip gloss glistened on my lips. I had switched my eyes to a brown, while purple eyeshadow coloured my eyelids, and together everything bonded wonderfully.

"Yes! You look amazing!" Hermione exclaimed, while Ginny nodded eagerly in agreement.

"Thanks for the help, Mione and Gin."

"You are wel-" Hermione shouted. "OH! You're almost late! There's only five minutes until eleven!"

I smiled at her frantic self. "It's alright, I'm going." Grabbing my purse from my bed, I went down the stairs and into the common room. To my surprise, the twins were there, chatting excitedly about something. George's eyes landed on me and he nudged Fred, whose mouth fell open when he saw me. I walked over to them, and slightly blushed under Fred's gaze.

"Um, are you alright?"

Jerking a bit, he snapped out of his trance, and looked away. He rubbed the back of his neck, meeting my eyes, he said,

"You look beautiful."

My face went scarlet. "Th-thank you." I said while looking down at the ground. "Anyways, I've got to go."

Both brothers shared a confused look before Fred asked, "Where are you going?"

"To Hogsmeade."

"Great, we're coming too!" George said as they both wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Pushing off their arms, I said,

"No, you can't come with me."

Fred's eyebrows furrowed. "Why?"

"Because I'm going with Cedric."

Fred wore shock on his face, identical to his twin's, before his face hardened and without another word, he stormed off through the portrait hole. George gave me a silent apology before following, leaving me bewildered.

What's wrong with him?

I didn't have much time to ponder upon Fred's strange behaviour as I realised I had someone waiting for me. Pushing open the portrait, I ran down the stairs, remembering to skip the vanishing step, and only came to a halt in the Entrance Hall, hands on knees, panting.


Looking up, I saw Cedric, hands in his pockets, eyes lit up in amusement and a smile plastered on his face.

Heaving myself up, I returned the smile. "Hey."

"Ready to go?"

"You could say that. Come on, let's grab a carriage."

Walking side by side, we exited the school and were hit by a cool breeze, as the snow gently drifted towards the ground, littering all across. Cedric pulled open the door to an empty carriage, being the gentleman he is. I was about to step in when I froze, as my eyes found the twins and Lee. Fred and I made eye contact, before he broke it off, not sparing another glance in my direction.

"Are you alright?"

Snapping out of my daze, I nodded at Cedric before boarding the carriage, while he sat opposite of me. A comfortable silence overtook and I gazed around at my surroundings as they slowly shifted, all covered in the same blanket of snow.

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