One shot #2 part Two

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"stupefy!" You shouted and it knocked the death eaters that hold Luna, Hermione, Ron, Harry.

"Draco!" Draco ran to you and gave the wands that got taken. "Thank you Draco" you muttered and he nodded.

"Traitor! How dare you Draco!" Bellatrix shouted and Lucius looks at his son like he was a disgrace to the malfoy family

"Y/n! Y/n!" Hermione hugged you but you hissed in pain. "We dont have much time, Mione. DOBBY!"

Dobby appears and the six of you ran to him immediately, holding him. Little did they know, A dagger is being thrown by a bitch bellatrix lestrange.

The seven of you teleported to some sort of beach. Hermione still holding on your arm since you cant walk because of the pain you received from the crazy bitch.

You dropped to the ground with a soft thud. Groaning a little cause your throat dries alot from the screams you released.

You heard Draco chuckled and he said "Hey Y/n! Im so worried about you alot!" he kissed your forehead in a brotherly manner.

But before you could respond, You heard a faint voice calling 'Y/n Potter...Harry Potter'

You sit up a little, trying to find the voice. Your eyes widen at the sight of Dobby got stabbed on the stomach. You got up quickly, going to Dobby.

Tears starting to fell down your cheeks quickly. You catch Dobby before he could fall, "Y-Y/n...P-Potter..."

"Dobby, Dobby! its gonna be alright! Hermione! Give me the liquid!" you shouted, not even looking away from Dobby's stomach.

Hermione stood silently, The other two just watch The Potter twins crying

Harry sniffed.

"I-im sorry...I-its finished.." Hermione choked out the words, trying not to cry.

"Dobby...saved Y/n Potter and Harry
....Potte...r" Dobby took his last breathe before closing his eyes.

You painfully scream on top of your lungs because you lost one of your best friend who always there for you.

"Im sorry, Y/n..." Draco pats your shoulder.


Everyone is excited to see The Potter Twins back. But that excitement turns into a scared ones as a scream heard.

Another scream.




There's a hurtful ringing in my ears. A raspy ugly and a little crusty voice said something:

"Hello fellow humans, As you The Dark Lord. I want one of you give me Y/n Potter and Harry Potter..Bring them to me and i will vanish from this wizarding world as soon as you give them to me..i will give you wealth and make people know your name forever...bring me Y/n Potter and Harry Potter and i'll shall vanish from this wizarding world"

The hurtful ringing finally stops and there's blood coming out of your ears.
Before you can ask Harryy what is the next plan, Blaise spoke up:

"Well, What are we waiting for?! Grab them!"

Pansy look at him like he is crazy. She slapped him in the face and goes to you. Protect you as if you are going to...die. Well not that you are gonna die....right?

"She is my best friend, you dimb wit!" Pansy shouted to the disbelief and shocked slytherins.

You quietly muttered a faint Thank you, dear.

Time skipped

"Harry...We have too.." You look at him, emotionless. Harry sighed.

"No..Harry..Y/n.." Hermione hugged you that made you stumbled back bit.
You miss this warm. You miss her touch. You miss everything from her.

But you know this is the last time so you hugged her back. Harry looks at Ron telling that he should take care of Hermione. Ron looks at both you and Hermione, now he knows how much you mean to her than he is.

You loom at Ron, Sligthly begging for him to take Hermione off of you. He nodded, Tries to take Hermione off of you. Hermione crys louder, begging you to hold her longer. You kissed her forehead, saying "I love you, Brownie"

Now that was 10 minutes ago.

You are in the dark forest with Harry.

Your scar starts to hurt.

Guess this is it.



WORDS COUNT: 715 words

Hermione Granger X Y/N (Female)  ♡Where stories live. Discover now