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Warning: Cussing

Severus: Avada Kedravra!

*inserts falling dumbledore*
Dumbledore slander are welcomed

Draco: Y/n!

Y/n: Yes?

Draco: since you hated DUMBLEDORE, are you happy now?

Y/n: Ye-

Harry potter: YoU kIlLeD tHe mAn WhO tRuStEd YoU!

Y/n: wElL i dInD't FuCkInG aSkEd hIm To TrUsT mE


Hermione: We have potions homework: Amortentia

Y/n: I know, granger.

Hermione: i KnOw, GrAnGer. Honestly, be grateful that you dont have malfoy helping you.

Y/n: i would rather choose h-


Y/n: Merlin! Fine!

Hermione: thats what i thought.

Harry: Y/n!

Y/n: hm?

Harry: what is honey?

Y/n: oh, honey?

Hermione: Yes love?


Ron: I knew it.

Harry: Hey how long no-

Prompt: you are dead or are you?

Hermione: Y/n...please wake up...

*The students surrounded y/n and hermione*

Harry: *sighs* this is the only wake to wake her up.

Ron: yeah, do it draco.

Draco: Fuck. Im getting killed hy Y/n. But, Y/N! HERMIONE IS UGLY

*Y/n Rises up from her death, turns her head to draco*

Y/n: Draco...

Draco: yeah. *salutes to death*


A/n: Yall, Can i changed the name to Harry Potter Cracks x Y/n ( female)

Cause if i did the name before i asked, yall are gonna be confused as fuck. So, yeah. Should i? Because it seems like it.

Update: 17/8/21

Double update?
Triple Update?
Four updates today?

I dont know *smirks*

Its 3:20am rn-

So maybe, besides i have class today.
Welp see ya!

Hermione Granger X Y/N (Female)  ♡Where stories live. Discover now