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I must have died and gone to heaven, because I wake up surrounded by warm bodies belong to three men. Jameson has me burrowed into his chest, I look down to see Reece laying on my ass and to my surprise, a very pale, and new arm is resting on my waist. I can feel Kylen's soft breathing on my neck making me smirk. 

Reece knew when he married me that my ultimate goal was to be the Queen in the middle of three very handsome, very fit, and very submissive  men. I got that wish, but it seems like I'm going to be the Princess in the middle of three Kings. I feel myself slipping into something I'm not sure I'm ready for. 

 It's amazing how they both came to us at once, which I'm honestly not complaining about. 

A heavy sigh from Jameson has everyone stirring awake. I groan when they all stretch, causing my sore body to move. I'm aching all over, my nose is heavily congested and my chest rattles with every breath.  Jameson's soft lips touch my damp forehead and I sigh. 

"Morning, beautiful." He says in a groggy voice. 

"Morning," I say and I cringe at the sound of my voice. It is worse than it was yesterday. Jameson immediately sits up, moving me. 

"Kylen, wake up. She's worse." Jameson says and that has Reece waking up with a start, as well as Kylen behind me. We all watched movies until I passed out. What happen from there, I don't know and I don't care. I'm just happy I woke up surrounded by them. 

"Everybody move," Kylen says in a professional tone and I roll onto my back to properly look at him. He stares down at me only to blush when I shoot him a sultry smile or the best one I can muster under my current physical health. Jameson and Reece stand on the side of the bed looking at me with worried eyes. 

"Stop looking at me," I have to pause to catch my breath. "like I'm dying." The last word comes out as a slur and before I know what's happening, my eyes are drifting shut and darkness surrounds me. 

When I wake up again, I'm alone but my left arm feels tight. Looking down, I see an IV needle and tube coming out of it. When I look at the night stand I see a small bell, a glass of water as well as a note. 

I slowly sit up the best I can before grabbing the water and chugging it in one go. After I finish with it, I grab the note and open it. My heart skips a beat when I realize its from all my men. They each wrote on the page but signed there names under the personal messages. I find out that Jameson's favorite color is red, and he hates the word moist. Giggling, I continue reading. I find out that Kylen's favorite color is grey, and he hates the word smooches. That makes me laugh  hard. Then I read my husbands and it makes me choke up. He tells me that he adores me, and that I'm the reason he lives. Then he thanks me for allowing him to express himself in ways he was never truly comfortable with. 

The bottom of the note has a heart on it and I place it on my chest before sighing. Grabbing the bell, I ring it for a few seconds before sitting it back down. It's only a second later that I hear what sounds like a herd of cows storming up the steps. A smile is plastered on my face when Jameson followed by Reece and Kylen file into the room. 

"Are you alright?" 

"Are you hurting?" 

"What is wrong?"

They all ask at the same time and I giggle before having a coughing fit. Jameson pats my chest softly and I give him a slow smile. 

"You guys are going to spoil me, aren't you?" I croak and they all smile. My eyes zero in on Kylen and I take the time to appreciate his beauty. He's not from America, it's obvious. His skin is so white and unblemished that it looks like porcelains. His eyes are the color of the prettiest grey that I have ever seen and his lips are red naturally but it looks like he's got on a hint of lipstick. He's only in a pair of boxers so my eyes roam down his body. I'd seen him naked last night but I didn't get to appreciate it. So, right now, I'm doing that with no shame. 

"You are very pretty.' I say with a smile. Kylen smiles sheepishly and I hold my hand out. He takes my hand and I gently pull until he sits on the side of the bed. "Are you submissive?" 

"No, I'm sorry." Kylen says as he looks to Jameson. "I can only be partially submissive when it come to Jameson."

"Don't be sorry. I'm just wanting to figure out what you like. You're not as outspoken as Jameson, but I'll learn you. I know that right now I need you to tell me why I feel worse than I did yesterday." 

"You were dehydrated, to the point of worry. I've put you on a drip because you passed out. In a few hours you will be better, beautiful." 

"Ah, you think I am beautiful?" I tease. 

"You're blind to your own beauty, yes? That endearing." Kylen says and I catch a hint of his accent. It's European like I knew it would be. 

"Oh, baby, I'm not blind to it. I'm aware that I look good and am a good woman. I'm aware that I am a catch, but I am grateful for that and don't take it for granted." 

"Confidence. I like that as well." We both smile at each other for a moment before I ask the question that's been burning in my throat. 

"So tell me," When I continue you the conversation, Jameson says something to Reece and they both leave with small smiles on their faces. "Have you ever been with a woman? Because I get the sense that you have not." 

"Your observation is correct. I have lived my whole life as a gay man. But," Kylen pauses, looks down at his hands as he begins to wring them together. "I am attracted to you. I was the moment I saw you and that is new for me. So, I'm asking you to please be patient with me. This isn't a situation I thought I would walk in on. Never have I thought about being with three other people, but I love Jameson. I will do anything to keep him in my life." 

"And in that statement, lays a problem." I counter. "I do not want you here because you want Jameson in your life, and this the only option you have. I want you here because you want to be here." 

"I understand that, dzikusku. And I am willing to take this journey. Having Jameson is just an add on. I've always been the person to not waste time. I'm aware of my attraction to not only your husband, but to you as well. It is new, but it happened for a reason." My face splits into a grin as a slight blush creeps onto my cheeks. 

"You are polish, and you just called me a 'little savage'." I laugh as I watch Kylen's face morph into one of shock, the of acceptance. 

"Tak! You speak Polish?" 

"Tak! I spent time there when I was a child, don't ask me why. And I also lived in, Francja." 

"You are truly as magnificent as your husband makes you out to be. It will be a pleasure getting to know you once you are well, dzikusku." I leaned   forward and give Kylen a soft kiss on his nose. He smiles at me and when I finally lay back, my body is so tired, and I don't fight off the sleep. 

"Why do you call me, dzikusku?" My voice is barely a whisper but the dark chuckle that I hear slip from Kylen lets me know he heard me. 

"Because, I can see the fire in you. I'll take pleasure in adding gasoline to it, so that I can reap the benefits of the punishment that will follow your combustion." I open a single eye and look at the bold man. He says the words with a sureness that has me shuddering. "Sleep. We will wake you for lunch." Kylen says before giving me his back and walking out the door. 

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