"That was just the right thing to do. Don't think about it too hard."

"Mmhm. Sure."


She walked away. Aiden stared at her stride.

"Close your mouth. You'll catch flies," she said without looking back.

He shut his mouth quick.

"I'm... going to check the patients..."

He looked around, realizing no one else was listening. He walked away.

Outside, Mark pulled James to the side.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Me? What are you doing?"

"What are you saying?"

"You're letting a murderer walk around free? He tried to kill us!"

"He was doing it for the right reasons."

"Right rea... man, it's that kind of bullshit that makes everything worse!"

"He thought we were spies or something," Mark said. "I believe him."

"Sure. Take the words of a killer."

"He's not a killer," Mark said.

"Oh, really? You know the ship has a database for convicts, right? Have you taken a look at what their crimes were?"

"No, I haven't, and I don't care. It doesn't matter what they did on the colony. This is where we are right now, and we're going to need everyone to do their part, regardless of their past."

"You're being ignorant, Mark. We can't just snap our past away. It stays with us for the rest of our lives. Before you want to elect someone as a judge or people as a jury, you should do some background checks on them. Look at where they were before we showed up. What happens when we really die?"

"We're not gonna let that happen. Really, James. After everything we just went through, I expected you to have my back."

"I do. Just not on this. I can't in good concience let you ignore the potential risks because you think everyone will get together and sing kumbaya. That's not how people work."

"Everything is being pulled by a single strand, James. I'm trying to keep us from falling apart. It's not easy."

"I agree. I just think you should look at the people you trust before you make final judgement calls."

"Okay. If it makes you feel better, I'll look through personal files on my free time."

"What are you doing right now?"

"Getting ready for the Poachers. They might counterattack."

"I can take care of that. It would be good to know who can handle weapons. And who can be trusted with one."

"You want me to do it right now?"

"I would be more comfortable if we knew our people before we armed them. Don't want another Trey."

He sighed.

"Fine. We need more water, some food, weapons--"

"I've got it all under control. Go do your thing. I've got this."

"Okay. I'm sorry I snapped at you."

"You shouldn't have had to. That's on me."

Mark and James had a healthy friendship like that. They could discuss issues without biting each other's head off. Well, most of the time. Mark wanted to strangle him when he got into trouble, mostly of his own fault. At one point, he had to stop James from dunking his bully's head in the toilet for the third time. Those were good days.

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