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Xiao Zhan nervously smiled when he was greeted by Mrs. Wang.

"Oh, you're here, Zhan. Please make yourself home. I'll inform Yibo." Mrs. Wang smiled and escorted him to the living room before trotting upstairs.

"Yibo, someone's here for you." Mrs. Wang knocked on her son's door.

"It's Seungyoun and Wenhan right? Ask them to wait. I'll be down in a minute." Wang Yibo called out from the other side of the door.

"Yibo, It's Zhan."

"What!?" Wang Yibo gasped in shock. He wondered if he heard his mother wrong. He wasn't expecting a sudden visit from Xiao Zhan.

"Xiao Zhan is here for you."

"I don't wanna talk with him." Wang Yibo said, audible enough for his mother to pick it up.

"Stop being stubborn, Bobo. Have a chat with him. Don't let words go unsaid and regret it later."

Wang Yibo bit his lips and mumbled, "Fine."

Xiao Zhan tapped his feet impatiently as he sat on the expensive sofa. He lifted his face upon Mr. Wang's arrival and greeted him, "Good evening, Mr. Wang."

"Good evening, Zhan." Mr. Wang closely observed the young man in front of him and smiled, "I hope you're here to see my son."

Xiao Zhan nodded his head in agreement.

"Listen Zhan, I know you meant well but you've hurt my son very deeply. We've never seen him being so pathetic. It's been a month and he's slowly reviving, though the recent incident didn't have an adverse effect." Mr. Wang looked at Xiao Zhan with a sad smile, "My son is definitely bratty, carefree and straight forward but deep inside, he is pure. I don't wanna see him hurt again. I hope you can understand."

"I do, Mr. Wang." Xiao Zhan said earnestly. "And let me make it clear. I love your son. I've been denying it from the beginning but in the end I failed miserably. I felt he's worthy of someone better than me. But as Yibo walked away, he took a part of me with him."

Xiao Zhan looked at the older man with sincere eyes, "Mr. Wang, if Yibo doesn't want me in his life, I would never disturb him again. But if he wants me to stay, I assure you to love and take care of him with all my heart."

"I've always admired you, Zhan. And you're the only one perfect for my son." Mr. Wang commented genuinely.

"Zhan, you can meet him upstairs." Mrs. Wang interrupted the two men with a smile. Xiao Zhan nodded his head and proceeded to the stairs.

"He can be a little stubborn, Zhan. Good luck." Mrs. Wang called out and winked.

"I'll manage it, Madam Wang." Xiao Zhan chuckled and followed the stairs up. He drew in a deep breath and knocked at the door.

"Come on in." A familiar voice responded and Xiao Zhan's heart jumped in anticipation. He immediately opened the door and closed it behind him softly.

"It's a surprise to see you here, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Zhan watched the young man in front of him with sorrowful eyes. Though Wang Yibo looked the same, his face lacked warmth and glow. Xiao Zhan felt a strange ache when he addressed him so formally, "Yibo, I-"

"Mr. Xiao, I don't want a slow burn or any sympathy from you. It's a total waste of time. Get straight to the point." Wang Yibo said coldly. Yet all he wanted now was to run up to the older man and bury himself in his arms. But Yibo knew he should restrain himself. He shouldn't repeat the same mistake again.

Xiao Zhan lowered his gaze and whispered, "I broke up with Yang Zi."

"So you're done with her too? Who is next, Mr. Xiao?" Wang Yibo blinked his eyes in disbelief. He wondered to himself if he heard the CEO wrong, "And why the heck are you telling me this?"

"Yibo, listen to me. I know that I was wrong in letting you go but now I'm trying to pursue my love freely." Xiao Zhan impatiently took a step to the younger man.

Wang Yibo knew where this was going. He looked at Xiao Zhan with sharp eyes, "Am I a plaything to you, Mr. Xiao? At first, I was your Sugar Baby and now you want me as a rebound to recover from your breakup."

"No, Yibo. I want to let you know that I love you." Xiao Zhan shook his head and grabbed the younger's hand.

Wang Yibo was astounded. He fully imagined his heart would break again on meeting with Xiao Zhan but such a turn of events was totally unexpected. Yet he pulled his hand away from the CEO and took a step back.

"Who said I still want you?" Wang Yibo snapped defensively even though he still wanted Xiao Zhan. "We are over. What made you perceive that I haven't moved on? Why try again?"

"Because I haven't stopped thinking about you and you haven't stopped thinking about me." Xiao Zhan replied genuinely. He couldn't afford to lose Wang Yibo again.

Shaken by the honest declaration, Wang Yibo bit his lips. He doesn't want to be swayed just like that, "Do you really think you can just walk back into my life, show off your pretty smile, sprout out some sugary words and that's it, I'm yours?!"

Xiao Zhan's eyes were full of remorse, "I'm so sorry for hurting you, puppy. Letting you go was the hardest thing I've ever done. Wanting you as mine would be the most selfish thing I could ask for. I thought you deserve someone better than me. And you have a life ahead. I couldn't tag you along with me forever in the name of Sugar Dating. All of my feelings were muddled and I fucked up. But now I'm willing to do whatever it takes to win your heart."

Xiao Zhan was too good and kind. Wang Yibo understands why he let him go. But knowing the reason doesn't make up for the anguish he went through.

"We don't have to pick up where we left off. We can start new where I win you the right way. I can give you all of myself and treat you the way you deserve. I'm just asking for a chance." Xiao Zhan promised.

"I just can't pretend you didn't break my heart, Mr. Xiao." Wang Yibo shrieked back.

"I can understand you, Yibo. I don't know if you still want me. I just hope that you do. If you don't want to see me again, I will respect your wishes and never bother you again."

"This is all so sudden." Wang Yibo uttered miserably after a long pause, "You suddenly showed up out of nowhere and told me all these. It's hard to perceive."

"It's alright, you don't have to give me an answer right away." Xiao Zhan quickly assured him. "Take your time to think about it. Just remember that I love you. Only you. And I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to win you."

Wang Yibo faintly nodded his head and lowered the gaze, "You can go back."

Xiao Zhan felt his chest heavy when the younger man asked him to leave. But without any more delay he walked towards the door. He gripped the doorknob tightly and hesitantly turned back, "Am I allowed to call or text you?"

Wang Yibo bit his lips and pretended not to hear the elder. Xiao Zhan took his silence as assent and left the room.

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