Honey May Be Sweet

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Honey may be sweet, but having a man compressed between your limbs while not releasing before you both dissolve into a heap of passion. Will always be a feeling that neither I nor Poe can describe. To hold him, and to be held by him to the point where both essences now infused with our umbra; now and forever more. 

As this sensational emotion swarms like bees to nectar. So high from the natural earthly sugar, one doesn't think of flying away. No, this devil is your excuse, why you heave yourself as atmosphere lowers. All now bursting into a beautiful inferno. 

Honey may be sweet, yet for that one treasured jewel. One that would change the universe to fall at it's feet. One would walk an eternity of broken glass for a chance to breath his air. To be able to cry for his at last. For that one beautiful rose, one would lift time on his shoulders, placing it on the collar of his dress shirt. Just to have one memory of him. 

Honey may be sweet. Nothing can compete with the sensuality of a kiss with the one you love. The feeling of two such worlds colliding, two hellish bodies becoming one. All to become nothing but a memory and a miracle. At the time of the miraculous moment, one that can't comprehend the single event.  

No person or thing can steal him away from his glimmering star. He's locked in and you within him, all in a soft gentle hold. 

Honey may be sweet, yet having honey of your own to kiss, caress, love, and protect on your own. Now has become something the devils would die for. Yet, I would die for my own devil.

(A/N: A very short story about Love and Lust. Which can be an awful experience depending on what end you are on. Especially the intense lust for one of your celebrity crushes.)

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