"⏚⎍⏁ ⊑⍜⍙?" He asks and I pull away. 

"I used the guitar. I used that same weird magic shit I used to grow the plants!" I exclaim excitedly. 
"⊬⍜⎍ ⎅⟟⎅? ⟟ ☍⋏⟒⍙ ⊬⍜⎍ ☊⍜⎍⌰⎅!" I giggle and help Ranboo sit up properly. 

"I still can't believe it," I gush unable to comprehend what had happened. A few minutes ago Ranboo looked like he was inches from whatever happens after we die. But now he's sitting up and talking to me like nothing's wrong. 

"Are you sure you're ok?" I ask as my worry resurface. 
"Don't worry Y/N, I'm fine. I can't thank you enough," Ranboo says sincerely and I smile broadly. 
"Of course," I say and then get off the bed and stand at the end of it. 

"Now that you're better we need to work on getting out of here. It's no longer safe here anymore for us, after Schlatt drained you so much I don't want to know what he'll do next," I explain and Ranboo nods in agreement. 

"Ok, but how the heck are we going to do that?"
"I don't know yet, but we should pack now. Can you stand?" I ask and move to Ranboo's side of the bed to help him out. 

Ranboo heads into the closet to find some clothes. After all the time we've spent together surely he has spare clothes in there. I dig through the bathroom looking for something useful. Scissors or bandages for injuries or something. I did manage to find some bandages but that was about it. 

Ranboo emerged from the closet with a loose white shirt, pants and a beaten-up leather jacket. 

"Where did you find the jacket?" I ask feeling confused. I had never seen it before now. 
"It was at the top, where you can't reach," He smirked at me. I scoff and roll my eyes making him chuckle. 

I step onto the balcony to get an idea of the weather. Heavy dark grey clouds loom over the tower and blanket the whole city. The question was if it would be snow or rain. Ranboo could handle a little snow, but he would burn in the rain. The leather jacket would do him good. 

I look around the landscape and see small puddles of water and snow dotting a few rooftops. The last time it snowed was a while ago but winter wasn't over yet. I hear Ranboo's footsteps as he joins me outside. 

"It could rain," I tell him. 
"As long as we're safe the rain can be an afterthought," he replies. I look at him and give him a hopeful smile, he returns it and gives me a comforting squeeze on my shoulder before going back inside. 

The balcony was our best bet for escaping, but we were so high up. We don't have rope and we don't have enough blankets to tie together to reach the bottom. I bang my hand in frustration on the balcony railing and look down at the ground. I stare at the plants that had made their way through the cracks in the concrete below me. It made me a little bit hopeful. 

Wait... Plants! That's it!

My eyes widen and I scramble to the corner of the balcony. I scan the wall looking for something I could use. I smile when my eyes land on some vines that had been creeping slowly up the wall. Perfect. 

"Ranboo!" I say and stick my head inside. He looks up from the desk and hums in acknowledgement. 
"I know how we're getting out of here," I march over and grab his hand pulling him back outside. 

I take him to the edge and point at the vines. 
"The vines?" He questions, I nod excitedly. 
"I'm going to grow them and then we'll climb down," Ranboo's eyes widen. 
"That's insane! How do we even know it's going to work?" Ranboo looks at me worriedly. 

"Do you have a better idea that doesn't involve fighting our way out?" I ask sarcastically, Ranboo shakes his head anyway. 
"Then we're doing it," I swiftly grab the guitar from beside the bed and Ranboo gets back to packing what we might need. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن