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Katara followed Avatar Aang as he led the way through the Air Temple, and they eventually came upon a private pathway lined with cherry trees in full bloom. Katara stared in wonder at the sight, for she had never seen anything as delicately beautiful as these trees.

Aang stopped and turned to glance at her, feeling relieved when he saw the look of quite awe on her face. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" He began boldly. "This was always one of my favorite places here at the Eastern Temple."

"It's is beautiful." Katara agreed. "These are cherry trees, right?" Aang nodded. "They are even lovelier than I imagined."

"You mean you…?"

"I've never seen a cherry tree before in my life." Katara said.

"Really?" Aang asked, shocked.

"We don't have trees or flowers at the South Pole." Katara said. "Wasn't it like that at the North Pole. You've been there."

"Oh, yes… I forgot." Aang said nervously.

As they finished talking about the cherry trees, their conversation halted. Aang shifted his weight nervously while Katara reached up into the nearest cherry tree and plucked one of the delicate blossoms from the branches. For those few moments, Aang was content to watch the joy of discovery on her features. After about a minute, however, the silence became awkward.

"Um…" Aang began, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Is this as awkward for you as it is for me?"

Katara met his eyes, and then turned, raised her hand and let the cherry blossom be carried off by the wind. "I think so. The difference between us is that I grew up knowing that I would be part of an arranged marriage, and you didn't."

"But you are still nervous?"

"Of course I'm nervous." Katara said. "Marriage is a major step to take in life, no matter how well prepared you are for it. Ever since I learned that I would marry the Avatar… you, I have studied many subjects that I would need to know as your wife: politics, economy, diplomacy, accounting, and running a household. These things I promise to excel in. But there are other wifely duties that I remain… woefully ignorant of."

Aang was grateful that she was looking the other way and missed the blush that blossomed on his cheeks. "I don't think that's all." He said.

Katara didn't respond for several moments before she nodded. "You're right. My brother married a woman that he had known since they were three. They were very good friends, and when it came time to arrange a marriage for them, their parents knew that they cared for one another and that theirs would be a happy marriage. All my friends and relatives married people they had known their whole lives, and they are happy together." She turned to look at him. "I'm sure you're a good person, but I don't know you. I'm scared that they want me to develop feelings for you in two weeks that I've seen take a lifetime to develop."

"I don't expect you to love me right away." Aang said. "I hope to love you soon, but I do not love you yet. But at least you can know that my feelings for you are off to a good start. You are very beautiful."

This time it was Katara's turn to blush. "Thank you. You are pretty handsome yourself, in a foreign, exotic sort of way."

Aang smiled, and then sat down on a nearby bench. "Come sit with me. Let's get to know each other."

The Avatar's Marriageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن