The Wedding

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As soon as the sun rose on the day of the Avatar's wedding, it became clear that it would be an uncommonly beautiful day. It was as if the Spirits themselves were celebrating the Avatar's marriage.

It was one of the most terrifying moments of Aang's life, second only to when the monks told him that he was the Avatar. His hands were shaking so much that he couldn't even pull on the ceremonial robes that were designed to match his bride.

Monk Gyatso laughed good-naturedly at his young charge's nervousness, and then began to help the young man. "Nerves are perfectly natural on your wedding day." The older monk said, finishing the knots and straightening the robes on Aang's shoulders. "But you are going to do fine."

"I hope so." Aang said.

"You care about her, don't you?" Gyatso asked. "I've seen the way you interact with her, and I can tell that you've all ready got feelings for her."

"Well… she's beautiful, and kind, and passionate, and pretty much everything I could have ever wanted from a wife… but I don't know if I love her yet."

"Unfortunately, that is something I cannot help you with." Gyatso said. "If you ask a hundred different people to tell you what love is, and you'll get a hundred different definitions. Love is something that you feel, and no one can tell you what it is. I'm sure that everything will be fine."

Gyatso pulled his young charge into an embrace, which Aang gladly returned. "I'm going to miss you." Aang said.

"You know it's not really good-bye." Gyatso said. "I'm sure that you'll make many trips to the Southern Air Temple in the course of your Avatar duties, and I'll always be there."

"You were like a father to me." Aang said, his voice filled with emotion.

"And you were like a son to me. Now, come, let's get you to the rest of your life." Gyatso said, putting the finishing touches on Aang's robes and leading him out of the room


Meanwhile, Katara was in her dressing room with her family, preparing for her wedding day as well. After Hakoda and Sokka said their congratulations to Katara and left, the young bride was left with just her mother.

Katara smiled at Kya and the older woman pulled her daughter into an embrace. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, Mom." Katara said, burying her face into Kya's shoulder.

"Katara, I have a gift for you." Kya said, pulling away from her daughter. "I know that you are supposed to be an Air Nomad bride, but I hope that you will carry this token with you and never forget your heritage." With that, Kya reached up and unclasped the necklace at her throat.

"Oh, Mom, I can't take that! That was Dad's betrothal gift to you!"

"I want you to have it, Katara." Kya said, placing the necklace in her hand and closing her fist around it. "I have lived a long and happy life with my husband. I'm giving this to you now in the hopes that you will have the same thing with your husband."

Katara made haste to wipe away her happy tears before they ruined her makeup. "Thank you, Mom. I'll be happy to wear it." Katara placed it on her neck. It was mostly hidden by the gold jewelry, but both she and Kya knew that it was there, and that's what mattered.


The Avatar's wedding only happened about once a century, so it was only expected that every time it happened, it was an event. Not only did most of the Eastern Air Temple, Southern Air Temple, and Southern Water Tribe attend, but it was also attended by dignitaries from each of the other nations and most of the Avatar's Bending Masters.

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