Fire Nation

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It seemed like the sun rose earlier and brighter at the Eastern Air Temple. The brilliant sun streamed into the room, casting everything inside in a golden glow. The room got steadily brighter until it disturbed the sleep of the woman lying on the bed.

Katara groaned softly and stretched slowly, easing the sleep out of her muscles. But her slow stretch was interrupted by the feeling of another body close to hers. Katara froze, suddenly remembering the events of yesterday. She had gotten married yesterday, and last night was her first night sleeping with her husband in their new apartments. But, despite her willingness to lay for him, he had not made love to her.

She twisted her body around until she was facing her new husband, and was rather shocked when she saw his bright gray eyes staring back into hers. "You're awake all ready?" She asked.

"I've always been a morning person." Aang replied.

"And you've just been watching me sleep?"

"Well, it's a new experience." Aang said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer to him for a quick kiss. "I've never woken up so close to someone else, let alone a young woman who is also my wife. Watching you sleep was… pleasant."

"Mmm." Katara moaned softly, returning his kiss. "What are the odds that we'll be able to just stay like this all day?"

"Almost none, I'm afraid." Aang replied, deepening the kiss. "But we can make do with what little time we have left, just the two of us."

Katara smiled against his lips and eagerly returned his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and scooting her body closer to his.

Katara's hands drifted down to his chest, spreading her fingers against the expanse of his muscles. Aang groaned into her mouth as she moved her wicked fingers from his chest, down his sides, and down to his hips. "Katara…" Aang whispered as she ground her hips against his, seeking just the tiniest amount of pleasure.

"Aang." Katara responded breathlessly, beginning to dip her fingers below the fabric of his pants and…

A sudden knock startled the couple apart. Perhaps in embarrassment of what just happened, Katara rolled away from Aang and buried her face in the pillow. Aang, however, could take no such liberties, so that blush that formed on his face was remarkably visible as he got up and pulled on a simple robe.

He moved out of the bedroom and over towards the door, pulling it slightly ajar. "Who is it?" He asked through the crack.

"Forgive me for disturbing you this morning, Lord Avatar." The voice said on the other side of the door. Aang sighed and opened the door. It was one of the Temple's messengers, and it was his responsibility to bring Aang any of his correspondence every morning. Most correspondence could be answered with a simple letter, and that had been the bulk of Aang's duties before his marriage. But now he knew that he would be called to leave the Air Temple on his rounds of the nations very soon. The only question left was who would call for his assistance first. "You have an urgent message from the Fire Nation." The messenger said bowing and handing Aang the sealed scroll that bore the seal of the Fire Nation Royal Family.

"Thank you." Aang said, accepting the scroll and closing the door.

Aang opened the scroll and began to read as Katara walked out of the bedroom, pulling a robe tighter around her body. He recognized the writing instantly: Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, the one who had taught him everything he knew about Firebending.

Avatar Aang,

First I would like to send my congratulations in regards to your marriage and also send my regret that I was unable to attend. Things have gotten rather… interesting in the Fire Nation recently.

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