"However, this is not what the parents want for her."

"Lady Han agrees with me," the old woman protested.

"If Lady Han and her husband are not in agreement on this matter, we both know the head of the household is the man. His wishes are to be respected."

The Grand Dowager huffed. "Since His Majesty invited Her Highness Wei, shall we hear what she thinks?"

Li Lian did not want to speak, she would rather be the person who watched than participating. This had her in a compromising situation because the Grand Dowager was doing this for someone to stand with her. Adding on, Dao was her friend, she should take her side. Then the Grand Dowager had allowed her to become the next empress just so she was her extended hand.

Moreover, Luo Meng was the rat that continuously betrayed her, they did not see eye to eye, she was not supposed to be on his side.

"A child should grow up in his household with his parents." Li Lian ended up taking the side of Luo Lu Yun. The child had done nothing to deserve Li Lian's fate of being raised away from her parents. The palace was cold and unloving when you had no one of your own. The girl deserved happiness.

"Li Lian!" The Grand Dowager seethed in detest. "Impudent! How could you―"

"It is Her Highness to you!" Yuwen Hong barked so loudly that it rang in Li Lian's ears. The veins on his forehand were imprinted. It did not take much to anger him. "She is the future Empress, respect her," Yuwen Hong commanded. "And you will return the child today, I will not tolerate cruelty in my palace."

Li Lian closed her eyes and sighed. She could feel the hateful stare of the Grand Dowager on her. She had betrayed her new mistress and that called for punishment.

"Will Your Majesty be able to come and bid Royal Princess Yang Liu farewell this afternoon?" Li Lian asked Yuwen Hong as they both walked towards the training grounds of the palace. Li Lian was just escorting him, then she would leave for the Phoenix palace where Dao waited for her since they had not seen each other in a long time. 

"My day is busy. Wish her a safe journey on my behalf." 

Yang Liu wanted to heal and let go of the pain, hurt, betrayal, and disappointments experienced in her life, thus she had asked for allowance to travel around the land of Nevoria. Yuwen Hong did give her the permission, but on the condition that she would marry any prince he chose for her when she was back. 

"You are already way past the age many young girls are given into marriage," Yuwen Hong always insisted when he and Yang Liu argued over the fact that she wished not to marry. 

"Her Highness will be sad and think you are against her endeavor if you do not go," Li Lian reasoned, hoping he would change his mind and go that afternoon.

"I am. The only reason I agreed is to have the upper hand on the marriage discussion."

"At least you can pretend for her peace of mind."

"I could, but that is lying."

Li Lian looked away so he would not see her chastising glare. Yuwen Hong could be stubborn and controlling when he wanted to be. That is why she was surprised to feel his hand on her back, and looking back at him, she found his softened eyes. 

"Forgive me for scaring you, earlier. I know I should better manage my temper," he apologized for lashing at the Grand Dowager. 

What he should be doing was apologizing to the Grand Dowager for disrespecting her, but evidently, he did not care about that.

"I was not afraid." Rather, she was intimidated by the consequences of her disobedience towards her mistress.

"Your eyes closed and you sighed. Clearly, you were affected."

Li Lian nodded. He was quite the observant man when it came to her. 

"Yes, but may His Majesty be a little kinder with the Grand Dowager Empress? It is encouraged to honor the elderly."

"Indeed, but you do not know what she is capable of if I am to let loose and give her a little space. I was close to her when I was a prince. I know who she is under the mask."

When he was a prince, the Grand Consort Shu was still locked away due to the Dowager Empress Wang's wicked ways, so the Grand Dowager Empress Wu filled the motherly shoes for him. 

"If you were close, what changed?"

Yuwen Hong stopped at the beginning of the training ground. His men were sparing not so far away from them. 

"I possess what she wants now. The throne. Power." He exhaled. "You have to understand, Li Lian. In the palace, friends becoming enemies and enemies becoming friends, it is not unusual. Anyone will do anything for gain." He took her hand and entwined her fingers with his. "That is what I like about you. You are my only constant and forever."

Li Lian was glad their entourages caught up to them, which took his attention from her, otherwise he would have recognized her guilt. 

"I must leave you now, someone is waiting for me at my palace." 

He frowned. "I thought you would come and watch the servicemen with me. I want to show you Kong Cheng, it was a good recommendation you made for me to take him from the Blacksword Academy. He is good."

She smiled. "That seems tempting, but someone is waiting."

"Just a few ticks of time and you can go. You will not regret it." He engulfed her into his arms and took her with him.


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