"I'm out of sources." Damon says.

"What's up with you and the news chick?" Alaric asks

"Ooh. "She's got spunk huh?" Damon says while sitting down

"Just don't kill her, please." Alaric pleads

"If I did who would report her death?" Damon says sarcastically

"Just don't, all right? She's friends with Jenna and it's bad enough that I'm lying to her about everything else. I hate the lies." Alaric looks at his phone. "Oh god. I got to go. I got to pick Jenna up. Don't worry I'll uh show my self out."

He gets up and place the cup on the table and head for the door. As Alaric is leaving he hears a crash by the door. He gets up to check it out when he sees Alaric with a knife in his abdomen. He grans and falls to the ground.

A man jumps from the ceiling. he goes to attack Damon. He tries to attack back but the man jumps on his back and stabbed him in the neck with a syringe. 

Not giving up he speeds him into the wall trying to get him off his back. He keeps doing it until the man fully puts the vervain in Damon neck making him fall to the ground. He takes it out.

"Whew! Damn, you're strong. It took the whole syringe."

The door opens to see Jules and her crew.

"Grab that one he's dead."

Jules walks into Damon view. "Hi, Damon. Nice to see you again."


Damon is tied to a chair. Bloody with chains on. A collar with wood in it around his neck. He wakes up to see a temporarily dead Alaric in front of him. He turns to see someone holding apart of the chains in his hand.

"Morning, Sunshine. I saw this movie once, some torture porn flick. Anyway, they had this collar device that was really cool, so I just modified it dome with some wooden nails, and when I pull," He pulls the chains making the wooden stakes go into Damon neck.

Damon groans in pain. The werewolf stops and turns as he hears Jules voice.

"So I hear you have the moonstone."

Damon starts laughing. "Oh, If you only knew the irony of this right now." He then looks directly at Jules. "Let me tell you how this is gonna go. You're gonna torture me, I don't talk, someone loses a heart. Last time, it was your boy mason."

The werewolf with the chains wraps it around his hand ready to use them. Jules walk up to Damon. "This time, it will be you." She signals the werewolf with the chains and he pulls them.


"You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body, Maximum damage."

She picks her shotgun up and points it at Damon. "Where's the moonstone?"

"Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it." Damon tells Jules.

"Looking for this?" Jules turns around to see Elijah and Natalie. They walk down the stairs. Elijah sits the moonstone on a book sitting on a table. "Go ahead. Take it."

One werewolf speeds to get it but Elijah is faster than him and rips his heart out. Two more try to get it but once again Elijah speeds in front of them and rip both of their hearts out. Jules leave before Natalie or Elijah can do something.

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