Story 5: His Shining Light

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The large figure, adorned with sharpened crests, loomed over him. The shadow it casted enveloped him fully. Making him feel far smaller than he truly was. Its cruel crimson optics burned through him, as they chipped away any emotion other than fear.

He knew he should be doing something, anything, to prevent the pain that would soon come with the first strike. Run, beg, plead, something! But he couldn't. He felt frozen, as if all his body's joints and gears seized up and would never move or shift again.

The figure raised an armored fist, readying the first blow. His already panicked venting hitched, and a small whimper escaped him. He shut his optics, waiting.

"Pathetic," The figure spat, and the blows began.

He could feel every single hit. On his torso, legs and wings. Metal screeched and sparks flew. The pain wouldn't stop. He was trying to not scream. To not to show anymore weakness. It would have been useless anyway. No one would come to his aid. Not in this black void of darkness that he was trapped in. Even on the Nemesis no one came.

Suddenly they stopped. The blows stopped. He cautiously opened his optics, only for them to widen in horror. He was currently on the wrong end of the most powerful fusion cannon, in the decepticon ranks. Megatron's fusion cannon. He began to panic further as the weapon hummed, signaling it was charging. He couldn't run, his wounds made sure of that. All he could do was helplessly watch as his spark was blown to pieces by smoldering hot plasma.


What! What was that? A voice, it sounded concerned. Was someone trying to save him?


Desperate for any chance of living he began to screech, "Help! Help!"

The figure overhead, chuckled. The sound sent shivers through his wings, and dread settle in his tanks.

"She can't save you," it said, "You are alone. No one will ever save you."

The cannon fired.

Starscream's red optics shot open, panicked and frightened. It was still dark. Was he still in that pit forsaken void!? Or did his end really come, and this was the pit. No, that couldn't be it. He wouldn't believe it. He couldn't have died. He didn't want to. He didn't want to be trapped here for the rest of eternity, alone.


A voice, he wasn't alone. And he knew that voice well. It sent a jolt of comfort and relief through his bleeding-with-fear spark. The light gentle pressure of a small being on his right wing was finally noticed by him. Turning his helm, he saw Nya.

He had never been so relived to see the little human in all his life cycle. If she was here then he couldn't be dead. Humans couldn't possibly enter the All-spark, or pit. As they had no spark to send. He could feel the oily tears start to fill his optics, but he didn't care.

"Starscream?" Nya whispered once again.

Starscream, didn't answer. His hand quickly and carefully swooped her up and began to cradle her in the crook between his neck and shoulder. Silent tears leaking from his optics. The only thing keeping him from going into full hysterics was the gentle warmth he felt her skin give off when it brushed against his armor.

"Shh, shh. It's okay. You're okay," She whispered soothingly, "That must have been a bad one, huh?"

Starscream only whimpered and shut his optics.

One of her hands gently grabbed one of his digits, and the other began to stroke the closet edge of his wing, "You're going to be okay. Let it out. You're safe. I'm right here."

He still couldn't say anything. He was still to scared to move. Thinking that another strike will come crashing down on him if he did.

It wasn't long until Nya started a different comfort tactic, "There was a time where I was alone..."

Her voice. Starscream loved it. Low, smooth, and comforting. Right now, he didn't care about if someone could be listening.

"No where to go and no place to call home..."

He felt safe. He felt loved. Not alone. After so long of being in danger, hated, and on his own, this little human gave him everything. And yet she gave him nothing. Nothing he could see, but everything he could feel. In this world of darkness, and pain. Nya was his shining light.


This one for reewooo! Hope you enjoyed man!

Song used, "Lost Boy" by Ruth B.

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