Story 4: Having Fun with a Holoform; Supermarket Addition

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Starscream was overwhelmed.

There were no other words for this situation. How did Nya do this every week? How did every single organic on the planet do this!?

"You, okay?" Nya asked, leaning towards his Holoform's audio sensor.

The false brown eyes of the holoform, glanced over to the human woman, before returning to the mess in front of him that was called a 'Supermarket'. What had possessed him to join Nya on her weekly trip to this place of chaos? Not even he knew.

"I'm not so sure, anymore," Starscream said.

"Well, no backing out of it, now," Nya said.

"On the contrary, I could just deactivate my holoform and wake up perfectly safe in my quarters."

"Yeah, like a full-grown man suddenly vanishing in this crowd wouldn't turn a few heads."

Scrap! Why did she had to be right? Deactivating his holoform here, would 100% draw unnecessary attention, and that could get him in serious trouble. Sure, he had noticed that Optimus lead the Autobots very differently than Megatron lead the Decepticons, but he had yet to bring about the prime's wrath. Blowing cover would certainly not please him, and with Nya as the seeker's 'commanding officer' who knows what trouble this could cause for her. Just being here was already pushing his luck.

He sighed, "I hate you."

Nya raised a fuzzy optic ridge, "Hey, you were the one who insisted on coming, don't shift the blame on me," the pilot said, though Starscream could tell from her tone that she was teasing and not actually upset.

And once again she was right...he had asked to come. Could he blame himself? Probably, but he wasn't going to admit that, and he'd be lying if where Nya left the base for once a week hadn't made him curious. After being discharged, Nya had gone to stay with the Autobot's human medic, for a few weeks to allow her injuries to further heal. But once the medic, June, Starscream thought her designation was, cleared her Nya came to stay at the silo. It wasn't really that much of a jarring change, considering that humans had stayed there permanently in the past. She had just moved into one of the unused human barracks.

There was the matter of human fuel though. Apparently before, Starscream and Nya had arrived the Autobots had something called a mini fridge, which Nya explanted was a kind of storage unit for human fuel, for the children to keep snacks in. Though, letting a mechanical alien species keep the mini fridge stocked, wasn't the best idea.

It was quite amusing to watch Nya explain that the 'screwdriver' that Agent Fowler had mentioned wasn't the tool, or should be given to children in general. After that conversation she had taken over stocking the fridge as she needed to go into the nearby human settlement to get needed supplies anyway. It was after a few times that she had gone, was when Starscream had come to her asking her to come.

It was only now he realized how much of an idiot he was for doing so.

"Don't look at me like that," Nya said, noticing the glare he was giving her, she sighed, and shook her head "I still can't believe that its you I'm talking to."

Nya was at first skeptical at his proposition, but once she was informed about his holoform, she was quite fascinated. She was especially impressed with how real his fake hair felt. If he was still on good terms with Soundwave, Starscream might have thanked the spy for forcing him to get one.

"Well, enjoy it while it lasts, I won't be using it after this excursion," Starsceam said.

"Really? Well, I guess that it might be weird for you to be this small," she said, pulling at some metal carts on wheels.

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