Chapter 38: The Sign Of Three

Start from the beginning

"Don't you usually bring biscuits?" Sherlock asked, getting up.

"I've run out."

"Have the shops?" He began to pace.

Y/N stood, watching Sherlock with concern. His anxiety over the future with John and Mary was manifesting in exactly the way she was hoping it wouldn't.

"She cried the whole day, saying, 'Ooooh, it's the end of an era.'" Mrs. Hudson said.

"Mum, maybe the shop on the corner is open." Y/N suggested.

"She was probably right, really. I remember she left early. I mean, who leaves a wedding early? So sad." Mrs. Hudson finished.

"Right, well, I'm sure you've got stuff to do to get ready for the wedding―" Y/N started.

"No, not really. I've got plenty of time..."

"Biscuits!" Sherlock shouted.

Mrs. Hudson jumped, rushing out of her seat and towards the door.

"I really am going to have a word with your mother." She threatened.

"You can if you like, she understands very little." Sherlock said, shutting the door.

He turned around, and sighed. Y/N watched as he gazed over at John's empty chair, deep in thought. She approached him, gently sliding her hand over his shoulder. He looked at her, trepidation in his eyes.

Y/N smiled softly at him, reaching up. She ran her fingertips from his temple down to his jaw, studying him. Sherlock relaxed slightly at the affectionate gesture, but his anxiety persisted. He pressed a kiss to Y/N's forehead.

"Right then." He said, taking her hand and leading them to the bedroom where his suit and her dress hung, ready and waiting, on the wardrobe. "Into battle."


When Y/N arrived at the church, Mary was bent over the toilet in her dressing room, vomiting. Janine was there, fluttering about, unsure of what to do. Y/N immediately grabbed a towel to protect the dress and knelt down next to her friend. Y/N rubbed Mary's back.

"What's wrong, love?" She asked.

Mary coughed, sitting up. "I dunno, I felt fine this morning but all of a sudden―"

She bent back over, getting the last of it out of her system.

"I guess it's just nerves." Mary said eventually, as Y/N helped her up and gave her some water.

"That's not like you, though, Mar." Y/N said. "You're the calmest person I've ever met."

Mary shrugged. After a few minutes, her face returned to its normal color, Janine touched up her hair and make-up, and it was just about time to walk down the aisle.

The service was lovely. John looked dashing, and Mary, having fully recovered, was positively glowing. Neither got teary-eyed, they were both too sensible and full of excitement. The couple exited the church arm-in-arm, with the best man and maid of honor following. The church bells rang and a photographer met them outside.

"Congratulations!" He said. "Okay, hold it there, I want to get this shot of the newlyweds."

Y/N and a few other bridesmaids stood behind the couple with handfuls of flower petals. Sherlock broke away from Y/N and stood right beside John and Mary.

"Erm, just the bride and groom, please." The photographer requested.

"Sherlock." John nudged.

"Oh, sorry." The detective side stepped out of the photo, a sinking feeling in his chest.

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