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Warner: woah is that what I think it is? IS THAT WHAT I REALLY THINK IT IS?

Hiro: I don't know what your saying, you don't see anything behind me.

Warner: I can see her, look up, security camera

-Hiro catches Penny taking her 3 pets back, burped a little, and runs away pardoning him

Warner: I cant believe my boi finally had, YOUNG GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!

Hiro: no she's not my... okay yeah she's my girlfr I mean crush

Warner: say, she's kinda familiar, what's her name Hiro?

Hiro: Penny Forrester maybe?

-Warner somehow recognize that name, before feeling surprised that Hiro actually fell in love with someone extraordinarily special, and very beautiful.


Hiro: wh-why? wh-what's wrong with her,

Warner: I WAS TRYING TO LOOK FOR SOMEONE TO LIKE YOU, AND THEN YOU CHOOSE HER? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT, YOUR A LUCKY GUY! If you didn't know who she was she's the (static)

-The phone services went static preventing Hiro from hearing what is special about his own girl.

Warner: that's her you'll really like her.

Hiro: static sorry I don't know what you said,

Warner: ugh okay she's the... ah dropped my choccy milk, okay maybe a few minutes before my return.

-Meanwhile, the 3 kids finished their food, Wilbur and Violet kept on failing the spaghetti kiss gag,

Wilbur: (beats the table) MAN! why isn't this working? can we order some food for Hiro? he's taking so long, excuse me miss, maybe mozzarella fingers and 1 pizza slice, for the other kid, please?

Penny: Wow too much for us while the leader gets small?

Wilbur: Why not? He wouldn't just take advantage of us looking fatty.

-Warner returns back from calling.

Warner: Okay where was I, yeah. Penny Forrester, is so special to you, she's the one who

-The phone ends since it was already too late at night, Hiro leaves the booth annoyed still curious what's so special about Penny.

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