Scene 4: Vell Ainee E. Vell

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-The next day Hiro wakes up sucking his thumb, then sees the whole room covered with mess, he sees Warner sleeping on the floor even though their room has 2 beds for each other, Hiro starts his normal morning routine before smacking Warner with his pink bedroom slippers,


-Warner wakes up and remembers his task, it is too leave Hiro again to woo Honey Lemon. Warner jumps to his car, looking ridiculously unready, he is literally still in his pajamas. Hiro looked at him leave with anger and just threw tantrums alone in the living room. Out of nowhere, the doorbell rang. Hiro answered it, and encounters a teenaged boy quite older than Hiro.

Scientist: im here for some science discovery and it something that has to do with the boom in San Fransokyo. My name is Vell Ainee E Vell, and you better back off to see some resources.

-Hiro was confused at that moment. He did knew about the incident, he just don't know what to say.

Hiro: I don't know what your talking about, I don't have anythi

-Vell shuts Hiro's mouth using a mechanical robotic arm. Vell begins to taunt Hiro.

shhhhhhh, Keep it down peasant, as long as you reveal what your hiding, I will save the world for you, now tell it.

Hiro:"look cant you find someone else to mackle with? I don't have any..."

-Vell shuts Hiro once again, now he begins to squish Hiro's face using his robot arm, threatening him.

"I shall limit you 15 seconds to show what you have, if you just tell me, I shan't let my robot arm finish you like a pimple"

-Vell starts counting down waiting for Hiro to respond, while he's ironically shutting Hiro's mouth. Suddenly Hiro drops the purple gem, suddenly exploding and surrounding the 2. Hiro keeps the gem again, yanks the metal arm and kicks Vell's face. while unconscious, Vell's robot arms, chase Hiro around the house before Hiro hides in a trash chute, witnessing Baymax getting captured as well. Hiro, still with the gem sneaks out home in his hoodie, and steals the little boy's skateboard, on his way to pursue Vell.

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