"I'm sorry Katya but please you're the only one that I know that would let me stay over. Only one night. please" Trixie's voice was breaking.

"Violet and I will pick you up, where are you," Katya answered.


Trixie stood on the street. she was drunk enough to not overthink about what she just asked Katya and instead reach for another gum and put it in her mouth. She saw a black car turn at the end of the street. The lights blinded Trixie so she couldn't see if it was Katya and Violet or not. Then she saw the blonde girl get out of the car.

"Holy fuck, what happened to you?" Katya said joking but with clear worry in her words.

"They were screaming" Trixie didn't wanna cry again. "Maybe I'll tell you when we get to your house."

"Okay, get into the car"

Katya hugged Trixie from her side because she saw Trixie shaking because of how cold it was. Then she grabbed Trixie's arm and helped her get into the car. Katya sat in the backseat with Trixie.

"Are you sure you want her to stay at your place?" Violet said taking a glance at them

"Yes," Katya said 

"But your dad-"

"I'll figure something out Violet"  She looked out the window thinking about a plan, "I think he wasn't home tonight"

"What about the morning"

"She can sneak out. You sneaked out before right Trix?"

"Um, yeah. From my room window" Trixie turned from the window she was looking out of.

"See she has experience."

The car ride was 20 minutes, and Trixie was drunk and tired. She felt her eyes get heavy each time she blinked and her thought process get slower. 

"Hey Barbie," Katya said

"What" Trixie replied with a sleepy voice

"Where is your phone? I'll tell your mom you're staying over at a friend's house"

"Yeah, in the purse"


Katya started searching through the purse. She found the little bottle, opened it, and smell it. Her face shrunk and she didn't put it back in the purse. A few seconds later she found the phone.

"Any friend you could mention?"




I'm staying over at Kim's house.

Katya was worried. How desperate Trixie was to get away from her house. Katya wonders if she's out of her mind to let someone she barely knows inside her house. But she felt like she could trust Trixie out of the few hours she spent with her. They exchanged numbers like 3 hours after knowing each other. She rolled down the window and took a cigarette, lit it up, and let the smoke calm her down.

Trixie on the other side was almost falling asleep with the pleasing feeling of Katya's scent surrounding her. She closed her eyes, only the road lights shining through her eyelids. She felt her shoulders relax and her neck too. She laid her head against the window and let herself sleep. Shortly after Trixie fell asleep and Katya lit up her cigarette they arrived at Katya's house. Katya's father's car was nowhere to be seen so they both got out of the car.

"Text me if you need anything, be careful Kat." Violet said rolling down the window

"I will, mwah," Katya said blowing a kiss with her hand.

Katya took her keys and opened the door. Her house had dark grey walls, and dark wood furniture. The temperature inside was much hotter than outside. Trixie took off her jacket.

"Thank you, Kat," Trixie said

"I'm surprised that you're sober enough to talk"

"I've built up alcohol resistance" Trixie started looking into her purse. "I'm missing something"

"What is it?·

"There was a little steel bottle here"

"I don't know, maybe you left it at the party or somewhere else" Katya left her purse next to Trixie's on the couch. "Do you want coffee? To sober up"

"Yes, please. Thanks"

"Oh it's nothing" Katya stood up to go to the kitchen

Katya had the little bottle in one of her jackets inside pockets. She took it out and opened up a cabinet, put it in the back of it, and closed it. And she made Trixie her coffee.

"Kat" Katya jumped and Trix giggled


"Was I too much?" Trixie stared at the floor tiles

"What do you mean?"

"At the party"

"No, no you weren't" Katya was still giving her back to Trixie while making coffee.

"You don't need to lie, I was too much, I am being too much" Katya scoffed "Why are you laughing?" Trixie looked at Katya confused. Katya turned around, resting her ass and hips on the kitchen counter.

"You doubt yourself enough, no need to doubt my words Barbie doll," Katya said and then grabbed the coffee. Handed it to Trixie.

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