Chapter 15 - An Illusion of The Truth

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Day five

Suminako's POV

Today, Ruka-pyon's class, the Somatic class will be holding a play in the theater. I'm really excited to see it since I was told Ruka-pyon was one of the main leads, but I didn't expect him to be the princess of a fairy tale!

"Ru-ka-pyon! We're here to see you!" I walked into the room casually.

He told us not to come see him multiple times during morning class, but it was only because he was embarrassed for people to see him dressed up as such, and I enjoy teasing him for the fun of it.

"I told you not to come!" He huffed angrily at me.

"But you're so cute! And to think you're playing as the princess just like the others said," I scanned his features closely, the makeup artist did a good job into making him a flawless girl.

"Oh just shut up, would you?" He exclaimed in embarrassment.

"Hey! Give me that camera! I-MA-I!" he was chasing around Hotaru who was taking pictures of him, demanding her to give her the camera.

"Stop taking pictures!" He yelled as he runs after Hotaru.

Afterwards, we decided to check out the stage preparation for the play.

That was when I heard everyone screaming over a junior girl named Miyado Yuri, who has the Female Pheromone Alice. All the girls were attracted to her because of her Alice, with the exemption of me since I'm immune to Alice effects.

Yuri-senpai is playing as the prince, I find it unique that they switched genders for the roles of the main leads.

"Oh Sumi-chan, are you here to see the play?" she asked.

I consider it somewhat an honor that someone like Yuri-senpai knows my name, I kinda get the feeling it's because I'm probably one of the only girls she's comfortable with in this whole school.

"Yes! I'm here for Ruka-pyon actually, he looked so adorable when I saw him," I giggled.

"Oh Ruka eh? He was really shy and embarrassed about it," Yuri-senpai chuckled.

Everything was going well until Ruka-pyon's voice can be heard.

He was still chasing after Hotaru for the pictures she took of him while Hotaru is riding on her swan scooter.

It was almost time for the play to begin, Hotaru's scooter bumped into Kitsuneme and Kokoroyomi who happened to be carrying sticky balls at the time.

Everything turned into a 'sticky' situation.

A lot of the actors were stuck to each other, especially Yuri-senpai who was stuck with Anna and Nonoko. The play couldn't go on in this sort of situation so we had to think of a backup plan quick with Narumi-sensei.

"I'm really sorry," Hotaru apologized multiple times upon realizing she had ruined the play.

I didn't know what I was thinking at the time, but I immediately suggested that I should replace Yuri-senpai as the new prince of the play.

I also suggested Natsume, who was stuck onto one of the kids for the play to dress up as a wild cat. And threatened him using the name of Narumi-sensei's Alice if he doesn't do so, which he agreed in hesitant but told me I'm done for after this play.

Taka-kun said he'll also join in the play, but what he'll be doing is a secret for now. He's currently discussing with Narumi-sensei about the changes in the story since Narumi-sensei is the narrator of the story.

Taka-kun also suggested Zeka to join in, which Zeka was astounded when the spotlights were on her. She argued with him about how she only came to watch as it was her only day to relax.

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