"Hope you feel better today?" Asks Heaven

"I hope so too. Did Echeta make it back to his place on time yesterday?" Asks Nkechi

"Yes he did. He already called me this morning, he is fine." Heaven says

"Thanks to your father i don't know how to face him when i see him" Nkechi continues shaking her head making the whole thing play all over in her head.

"Him who? Cheta? Please mum he is human too don't give it too much thought. We all are messed up somehow. You don't have to play perfect before Echeta trust me mum there is a reason why the bible admonishes us not to think too highly of ourselves i.e think too much of others or think too much of ourselves. We are mere mortals okay?"  insisted Heaven hugging her mum again
The latter still forcing a smile she nods

"Any hug for daddy too?" Says Okafor springing out from his room with his briefcase and some files in his hands

"Do you deserve it?" Tackles Nkechi

"Come off it mum, he sure does!" Laughs Heaven trying to lessen the tension in the room.

"Of course dad here comes you're hug" she warns as she runs into her father's arms.

"Thanks my daughter, i take it that mum and i are forgiven for messing up yesterday?" Says happy Okafor

"Speak for yourself!" Nkechi tackles quickly again

"Mum just let it go already ha! Please come join us for a group hug we're family" admonishes their daughter

At this point Nkechi sees how her daughter clinging to her dad with one hand and with the other hand open waiting for her to join in the group hug. She stood up reluctantly and joins them and with the hug she says to them both

"You both have a good day"

Heaven and dad left for work with Heaven taking from Okafor's hands, the briefcase and files in his hands to the father's car.

Heaven really wished her mother had taken the privilege of the group hug to also humble herself to apologize to the dad and probably to her too for courtesy sake.

How beautiful it would have been but she did not. No worries she thought to herself as she prays to God silently in her heart to soften the mother's heart towards her dad.

Why does she easily forgive her children than her husband, easily shows love and support for her kids to an extent than her husband. What worries Heaven even more is that among her siblings, she is absolutely the only one observant of this.  Others don't care or feels it's none of their business since it's between a man and his wife.

She has been told severely to mind her business by her mum and siblings but she sees this whole thing gradually eating deep into her father's heart and the relationship of the parents as a couple. Heaven being a deep thinker hopes to undertand what the problem could be and help the best way she can.

"A penny for your thoughts Heaven" says Okafor stopping to observe his daughter's face

"Not to worry dad all will be fine in due time. I parked your breakfast dad since we're almost running late or do you want to have it at home?" Asks Heaven

"No i will have it in the car as the driver rides me to work. Can i get my wound cleaned and treated before we leave?" Requests Ezeabata Okafor

"Certainly dad. Let me put this in the car i am coming" agrees Heaven referring to the files and briefcase.

Ezeabata Okafor walks to the dinning area pulls out a sit and sat down. It wasn't long, Heaven came back grabs the first aid box on the gigantic fridge at the dinning area, washes and sanitizes her hands then cleans her father's wound and puts a new plaster on it. 

"God bless you my daughter " smiles Okafor

"You're welcome dad" Heaven replies as she went to drop the first aid box on the fridge, then went to the sink area at the dinning and had her hands washed.

"Are you coming right away or you still have one or two things to do before leaving?" Okafor inquires

"I am coming with you dad, i don't want to go with my ride today since Echeta is meant to pick me for our marriage counseling after which he will bring me home" explains Heaven

"Oh good i get company and someone to eat breakfast with today" says Okafor.

They both shared a laughter and went into the car, mr Okafor says a short prayer for God's protection as he usually does before driving to anywhere and he also says a prayer of thanksgiving whenever he returns, you see it has become habitual for him to do so. They all said amen and the driver starts the engine and they left to work with dad and daughter having breakfast as they rode to work.

They got to the office and went on with the normal act of boss and employee. Heaven doesn't get bothered by this anymore since it's her father's call to make and he wants it so. Initially it was difficult but it has given her this sense of seriousness towards building a business relationship with her dad. Moreover over the years she has come to understand that once you understand mr Okafor there is no limit to a wonderful relationship with him.

The driver carries mr Okafor's briefcase and files to his desk and Heaven hurriedly went to her office to settle down for work.

"Hello dear are you at work yet?" Asks Heaven as she puts a call through to her fiance

"Yes lovey what's up?" Says Cheta

"Nothing just checking on you. Hope you're not too tired from yesterday?" Worries Heaven

"Really i woke up feeling tired but it's okay 'Thank God it's friday' as the saying goes. I look forward to getting proper rest tonight. See you later lovey i need to get back to work" says Cheta

"Okay dear have a good day, i love you" says Heaven

"Love you more do have a good day too sweet" says Cheta.

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