"Hey, don't worry about it; in my universe, I'd usually have a couple of weeks worth of patrols behind me before anything happened."

Supergirl looked at him as if he'd grown a second head. "How did you not go insane?"

Jet Ray shrugged. "Usually because I spent that time bugging Kevin."

Supergirl groaned. "But I just want something to happen."

It was at that moment that a large explosion rocked the street, and several armed men ran out of what used to be the front of a bank towards an armored car.

"You were saying?" Jet Ray turned to Supergirl, but she was already rocketing towards the criminals. Jet Ray sighed. The way she'd rushed into the situation reminded him of himself when he'd first found the Omnitrix; he had always acted like he was invincible. Still, he supposed that Supergirl had a right to be a little cocky; as far as he'd seen, Kryptonians were nearly invincible. Still, he decided to keep an eye out, just to be on the safe side.

Supergirl wasn't worried. These were just common thieves, and she was bulletproof. This was an easy chance to show a veteran like Ben her stuff. She landed in front of the armored getaway car.

"Alright boys," she began, "fun's over; drop the money and the guns and I won't have to send any of you to the hospital."

All but one of the thieves looked at each other nervously. The last one, the leader, smiled, much to Supergirl's surprise. Sure, she hadn't been doing this for as long as other heroes, but normally thieves either surrendered or shot ineffectually at her. The only ones who smiled were super villains, or had…

"I knew this would come in handy today." The man's grin grew wider as he pulled out a piece of glowing green rock.

Supergirl's eyes widened as she felt the effects of the Kryptonite. She felt sick and weak. As she collapsed to the ground, she berated herself. She should have known something was up the minute she saw the smile. She should have put some distance between her and them. She should have…

She never finished her thoughts on what she should have done, as a beam of green energy drove a furrow in the street between her and the thieves. Jet Ray swooped in to hover over the small trench.

"Back off, boys. Don't make me hurt you." Jet Ray all but growled the words. He had been content to let Supergirl handle this, thinking that it was only a few thugs, and she did seem to need to let off some steam, but when he saw the light from that stone cause her obvious pain, he knew that it was time to help.

The thugs pointed their weapons at the red manta-ray. They obviously had no fear of any aliens save Kryptonians. Jet Ray had a mind to change that, but he still needed to shield Supergirl from that stone. He slapped the Ultimatrix dial on his chest. In a flash of green light, Jet Ray was replaced by what looked like a gorilla made out of red, blue and yellow Lego blocks. Like nearly all of Ben's forms, the Ultimatrix symbol was displayed on his chest.

"BLOXX!" the creature yelled.

Before the stunned criminals could react, Bloxx leapt backwards. His body extended and connected, forming a dome around Supergirl that protected her from the Kryptonite's harmful radiation. On the inside of that dome, Supergirl rose shakily to her feet as she recovered. She jumped a little in surprise as Bloxx's face constructed itself in front of her.

"You okay?"

Supergirl squinted at him. "Ben?"

"Call me Bloxx." Bloxx's attention drifted for a moment when he felt bullets pelt body. Some of them pierced through, and a few more of those hit Supergirl, but since Bloxx could regenerate and Supergirl was bulletproof, the only thing they needed to worry about was the guy with the Kryptonite.

Ben 10 : UnlimitedWhere stories live. Discover now