"Shit, she is allergic to mushrooms. Dammit!"

That was Marco and was the last thing that I heard before passing out.



As if the time stopped for the boys, they watched as Allegra bend over the table in pain, and they couldn't do anything.

Leo quickly staggered up from his chair once Marco declared that it's an allergic reaction.

Picking Allegra up; running and during the ride to the hospital, the only thing occupying the Valentino brothers was; Don't leave us Allegra, Or Stay with us!

After a painful 30 minutes ride, they reached a fairly large hospital; their hospital.

Yelling orders here and there with their sister; dangling from Alessandro's arm close to his chest.

As if afraid that she'll vanish.

Taking Allegra inside a private ward, they lay her down on the bed but stayed in contact or close to her refusing to let her go.

Marco was yelling and was angry, eyes red and tears; brimming in it. Marco regret not being there for her all that time he was with her. He grieves not being there for her enough to know what causes her pain.

Rocco and Alexander refused to leave her and were sitting beside her foot.

Despite Having mutual personalities, Rocco and Alexander were having; different reactions.

Rocco was feeling tired of watching his sister in pain. He somehow wants to snatch her position. He wants to snatch her pain and transfer it in himself.

His hand tightened around Allegra's as if giving her; his life.

While Alexander could feel his heartbeat getting slowed down. The only thing he could hear was her sister trying to inhale oxygen; painfully.

His hand trembled every time he would look at the now paled face of his sister.

He wants to cuddle her close to his chest, wants to pour sweet nothings to her.

He wants to provoke his twin along with Allegra, who would laugh after watching Alessandro's reaction.

Antonio stayed close to Matteo, who was on the brink of breaking down.

Matteo was always the sensitive one among his siblings, can't see any of his siblings in pain or anything.

And right now, Allegra's chest was heaving up and down, trying to inhale as much oxygen it can.

She looks in so much pain; she is in pain! His eyes; crying a river.

Even though Antonio; was trying to be strong for his siblings, he was internally breaking down. His barriers were crumbling while seeing his sister in so much pain.

He was already in so much guilt when he shouted at her sister before for misbehaving with their aunt.

But he couldn't stop it though it was a rapid reaction. He is someone who will scold Leo also if he disrespects or misbehaves with his elders.

Alessandro was having flashbacks of every bad; trauma in his life. He was losing his sister in his arms, and he couldn't help her.

Despite being distant towards her, he adorned her. He wants to shower her with everything she likes.

He wants to take her to the shop and buy her favorite dresses.

He wants to treat her well.

Meanwhile, Leo was back to his robotic, unemotional mode.

He couldn't despair the fact that even in his watch, his sister; in the hospital.

He promised; to himself. That, he would never let his siblings on the hospital bed before himself.

His world was shattering, ending in front of his own eyes. He can't save his world, his sister.

He can see his brothers breaking down. And he can't do anything.


|Happy Reading|

Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun!!!!!

OH  MY GOD! i heard that allergic attack is dangerous???? REALLY????? likeeee is she going to be okay???? OR are they gonna loose her?Again????

^that was so embarrassing

i accidentally uploaded this chapter unfinished before was because, my mom was trying to get me clean the kitchen, and i was constantly avoiding it, so she came and was snatching it. She put my device at the very top of the cupboard, where my 5'0 ass cant reach. AND during that  snatching i might have, accidentally, pressed published, so yeah.


AND 5KKK??? 

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