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L u c a    S a n t o r o

Fucking Russians. I'll kill the whole lot of them. That'll teach them what happens when they mess with our mafia.

"Russians are everywhere. They sell their drugs here. They have clubs here. But are you telling me that non possiamo averne uno che si rovescia dove si trova la loro base?" I seethed, banging my ringed hand on the table. (You can't find one person to spill where their base is at?)

"Boss, we had seven in the basement yesterday, we left them alone for a second sir, I swear. And when we came back all were on the floor dead." One of my men answered, almost quaking.

"Did you check the fucking CCTVs in the cell?" I asked, perplexed.

"Yes sir. They didn't kill themselves sir. We don't understand how they are dead sir. It's impossible."

"It wouldn't have happened if it was impossible, Jack. Did you get their bodies checked?"

"Yes, boss. Doctors couldn't find anything either."

"I don't know why the fuck we pay those losers if they aren't doing their job right." I cursed as I ran my palm down my face, frustrated beyond belief.

I was thinking hard about the situation at hand when the doors to the meeting room opened. I opened my mouth to shout at the idiot who came in without knocking, but then I saw it was none other than Enzo, who is my second in command.

"I found something." He practically ran into the room and placed his laptop in front of me.

"Meeting dismissed." I said and everyone practically stumbled out of the door as I focused on what Enzo wanted to show me.

It was surveillance footage from an alleyway.

It was Phoenix.

This is gold. He never leaves a trace. He was dressed in black from head to toe. The footage showed him shooting a man's head off, probably a Russian. It was very impressive.

"How did you get this?" I asked Enzo.

"I was you know, hacking cams as usual to find any traces of Russians when I came across this. This man is a Russian . His face is unrecognizable now. He shot the man's fucking brains out. He had shot all the cams before he even came out from the shadows but fortunately he couldn't see this one from that angle. So here we are." Enzo rambled, clearly amazed like me.

" The man is a fica, dude. Phoenix. What kind of a stupid name is that?" I scoffed as I watched the footage.

"Well, no one has met him. So clearly he didn't give himself the name."

"Well then, why does he have to cover himself? If he's not afraid he could just show his face. Pussy."

", well-"

"STOP THE FOOTAGE." I froze at what I just saw. "Can you zoom in?"

"One sec." Enzo zoomed the footage and paused.

His eyes went wide when he saw what I was seeing. "Boss-"

The Black Killer's wrist, when he pulled his sleeve up, there was a tattoo on his wrist. A tattoo of three lines. The tattoo all the members of Claws gang had.

I looked at Enzo. "He's one of them."

"It's not even possible. We saw when Russians burnt that whole place down. There were no survivors, man."

"He could be one of the original members. Or maybe he is reforming the Claws gang again. But there's still a chance that he could be one of the original members. If he is, then that means we have a upper hand against the Russians."

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