I Love Someone I'll Never Get

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Shade's POV

She hadn't changed. Not one bit.

She could still dance like a professional, and she was still scared shitless of Jacob.

Everyone was

Everyone but me.

I could kill him. Believe me I always wanted to. The way he treated Gay was disgusting. He used to beat her, and she only just got away, but not fully.

In her eyes I could tell that she still loved him, even though it might have only been a little, she still loved him.

He didn't deserve her, he didn't deserve anyone.

Especially Little Dancer.

I ran after her, defying Jacobs orders.

"Shade." she said, her voice almost a whisper.

"I'm sorry Little G." I said, I refused to call her Little Dancer, seeing as Jacob called it her, and I was the one who named her that.

"You did nothing wrong." she said. That's what she'd always say when I apologised.

"I didn't stop him, I should've. I could've. I wanted to."

"It's okay, promise me Afew things?" She looked sad.

"Anything." I honestly said.

"One. Take care of Jaycee, he thinks it's okay for him to be in the Gang and it's not. Two. Stay in touch."She grabbed my phone and pushed her number into it."Three. Stay safe. Four. When you need to, call me and I'll deal with Jake."

"I can't promise the last one. Or the third."

"Promise." she said again, this time strongly.

"I promise." I said.

"Thank you." she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tighter. The way she was, she was perfect. But scared.

I could protect her.

I'd protect her until my last breath.

"Shade! Get the fuck back in here!" Panic shouted to me,"Jake wants you!"

I squeezed her quickly, kissed her forehead hardly but lovingly,"I promise I'll see you again."

"Promise you'll get away." she didn't let me go, but I saw the tears threatening to escape her eyes.

"I promise." I choked on my own.

"Promise you'll come back to me." dug her face into my chest.

"I promise." I kissed her forehead multiple times.

Quickly, she went on her tiptoes and pecked my lips, then ran.

"I promise." I whispered, wiped my eyes then ran back.

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