38. Care To Join Me?

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"Melody wait for me."

"Sorry Mama." I walked with Mel Infront of me. I made it to the doors. I rang the big doorbell.

"Yes? O Master Diaz. Welcome."

"Marco is fine. Is Tom free now?"

"He's in a meeting right now."

"Marco!" Tom's mom yelled in her language. I smiled. I waved as the butler moved to the side. Mel ran to her grandma. "What you doing here?"

"We're going to see the Soulrise. Tom asked Mel if she wanted to celebrate it there. Did he tell you?"

"No. But I'm happy to see my grandchild. Dave is with my baby in the meeting. Will you be joining us to the lake house?"

"Yea. Tom Mentioned it me. Since we finally understand Mel's skin, she can touch Lava. I can't but can't wait to go. I hear it's really pretty."

"It is. Can't wait for you to join us."

"Mommy I don't understand."

"O sorry Melody. We were talking about the lake house."

"I can't wait to go!" Tom's mom yelled happy.

"Marco!" I turned seeing Tom in his suit. He can still rock it. He came and pecked my cheek. "Hey sorry I made you wait. I had to talk to a demon about something."

"It's fine. We didn't wait long. Right Mel?" She nodded. Tom picked her up.

"How's my birthday girl?" He blew kisses on her face.

"Daddyyyyy!" She squealed. I smiled. I heard a click.

"Mooooommmm." I chuckled. I went to her to look at the photo. I love her taking pictures of us. I mean I was still insecure and was majorly when I was pregnant but Tom would always shower me with love. Even seeing us naked he would still tell me I look handsome and cute. It did make me blush madly and I would always deny it but he always made sure I remember. Looking at the mirror was something hard but I overcame that.

"Let me get changed and we can get going." I nodded. He walked off as his Dad came to say hi.

"Say Marco have you thought anything else you would want to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well like college? How's it going?"

"O, it's going good. Almost done with my second year this semester then I'm committed to my job and watching Melody. Tom really was worried but I managed with him coming back and forth with the royalty and stuff. I'm looking for a house for us to live in so I can get out my parents' hair. Mel's in school."

"Really how's school?" Mel looked at me confused.

"She asked how was school?"

"O it's really fun! I'm leaning some stuff! I made some friends!"

"Well, isn't that nice."

"I'm back!" Tom walked back to us. Tom peeked me on the cheek again.

"So adorable."


"Have you ever thought about having more kids." I blushed mad.

"Okay time to go!" Tom started pushing me out the castle.

"Bye Grandma and Grandpa!"

"Bye Melody!" We got into the carriage and we were off.

"I'm sorry there not like that. I guess they really love Mel and even bugged me about it. But they do-" I peeked his cheek.

Marco vs the forces of LifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin