20. Attempt

16 1 0

*Y/n's POV*

'There's nothing stopping me, I have no one.' I thought as I grabbed a bottle of pills.

Nobody believes me and nobody ever will. They were the only things keeping me happy. These past few months have been too much for me to handle. I can't take it anymore.

'Fuck it I'm writing letters before I go...' I said quietly.

I pulled out a few sheets of paper and grabbed a pencil.

Paper 1: Carrie
Paper 2: Matt
Paper 3: Alan, Mom
Paper 4: Minor gc
Paper 5: Niki
Paper 6: Toby
Paper 7: Everyone else

'This will take a while' I thought.

Summary of papers 1&2: You guys were amazing friends and I appreciate you both. Thank you so much for always staying with me and helping ne when I needed it. Unfortunately, I can't take it anymore. Words will never be able to express how thankful I am for you guys.

Summary of paper 4: Thank you guys for being friends with me. I'm glad I was able to ever meet you guys. You're amazing and don't forget it. I appreciate all of you. It's too much for me, it's my time to go...

Summary of paper 5: Thank you for cheering me up when I needed it. Thank you for making sure I was ok when I was crying. Thank you for buying me ice cream. Thank you for introducing me to everyone. I appreciate you so much. Its's my time to leave.

Paper 6:

Toby, thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for making sure I was ok when I was feeling down. Thank you for taking me out on the cutest dates. Thank you for getting me the best gifts when I said you didn't have to. Thank you for everything you have ever done. Words can not express how much I have missed you these past months. Words can not express how thankful I am for you. Words can not express how much I love you even if you don't love me. This was not your fault. It was completely my choice. My life is just too much for me to handle.

I also want you to know what really happened:

Joshua is the guy in the photo. We were friends and we used to go to school together. I used to like him years before I met you but then we lost contact and I lost feelings. When we had re-united, he told me he had feelings for me. Before I was able to say anything, he cut me off by kissing me. Lily was the girl that took that picture. (Another friend) I pulled away quickly and chased Lily trying ro get her to delete the picture but she didn't hear me. I tried calling you and Tommy and some others but noboday answered.

Just remember, the happiest I have ever been in my entire life, is when I was with you.

I love you no matter what

Goodbye bee boy.

I sealed the other letters and left them in my desk drawer so everyone would be able to find it. I also left some of my things for everyone.

I'm leaving Niki my: favorite sweater (that she loves), plaid skirt (that she would look amazing in), my childhood stuffed animal that resembled zuko.

I'm leaving Tommy my: gaming keyboard (that he said was cool), my black beaded bracelet that had 'fuck' spelt out in beads.

I'm leaving Toby my: bee plushie that matched with nelson, matching keychains that I had bought for us but was never able to give him, my favorite hoodie.

I left the others some things also. I put everyones items with their letters. I went back to my medicine cabinet to grab the bottle of pills. I stepped out of the bathroom with my pill bottle in my hand. I stared at myself for a few minutes then sat on my bed as I opened the bottle of pills. I poured about 8 pills into my hand and looked at them for a bit before confirming my decision of commiting. I put the pulls into my mouth and started to chew them. After 5 seconds after I started chewing the pills, my bedroom door busted open...

My HappinessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang