15. Calls

18 1 0

(Time skip to next morning)

*Y/n's Pov*

Joshua has already left to go back to his house but he have us his number before he left. Matt had made waffles and tea for the three of us.

"Sooo Y/n"



"Wdm "Joshua..."



"So you don't like him anymore?" Matt asked

"No you dumbasses I have a boyfriend!" I said

"Ok ok if you say so!" Matt said

"What would you do if he liked you now?" Carrie asked

"I would say "Um i used to like you but I don't anymore (no offense) and I have a boyfriend" I explained

"Sounds good enough" Matt said

"Anyways I gotta go home but I'll call you guys tomorrow!" I said as I put my plate and mug in the sink.

"Aight bye!" Matt said

"Bai!" Carrie said

I walked home while listening to my music. House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco  Galway girl by Ed Sheeran played as I walked. I went inside and quickly greeted my mom and Alan before running upstairs to my room. I had to practice for mcc so I don't do bad. I saw Ranboo was the only one on the server so I said hi in chat when I noticed he was live. He greeted me back and asked if I could join vc 4.

"Haiiiii!" I said

"Greetings!" He said

"I'm streaming mcc practice!" Ranboo said

"Ooh fun!" I said

"Yea I didn't practice as yet so I'm doing it now!" He explained

"Same I gotta practice too before I do a shit job- oh wait can I swear?" I asked

"Yea" He said

"Aight!" I said

"Hi!" Ranboo said as he ran up to me and crouched

"Hewo!" I said before crouching

"Wanna play hole in the wall?" He asked

"Sure" I said

We played hole in the wall and a few other games for about 2 hours until I logged off.

A few minutes after I logged off, Toby called me.

"Hey!" -Toby

"Heyo!" -Y/n

"How are you!" -Toby

"I'm good, I just finished mcc practice! How are you?" -Y/n

"That's good. I'm great, I just inished editing! I got some choccy milk!" -Toby

"Ooh I got some mac & cheese! What's the video about!?" -Y/n

"Tommy and I try to beat minecraft but any block we walk (that we don't place) turns to endstone!" -Toby

"Did you have fun making it!?" -Y/n

"Yup it was more chaotic than I thought but I love it!" -Toby

"That's great!" -Y/n

We started talking about other stuff until Toby had to go.

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