4. Truth or Dare

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(Time skip 2 month)

*Tubbo's POV*

"I'm boreddddddd" Tommy whined

"Same" Y/N said

"Yea we should play something" I said

"Like what?" Tommy asked

"Truth or Dare?" Y/N suggested

"Sure, should we invite some others so it will be more fun?" I asked

"Ye lets invite Will and Nikki" Tommy said

(Time skip 15 minutes

*knock knock*

"I guess that's them." Y/N said getting up to open the door

"Hello!" Nikki said

"Hi!" Wilbur said

"Hewo, come in" Y/N said motioning for them to come in

"So we are playing Truth or Dare?" Nikki asked

"Yup" I said sitting on the floor.

We all sat on the floor and began playing.

"Alright truth or dare Wilbur?" Tommy asked

"Truth"" Wilbur said

"Have you had your first kiss yet?" Tommy asked

"Yes" Wilbur said

"Truth or dare Tubbo?" Wilbur asked me

"Dare!" I said

"I dare you to go up to Y/N's brother and just whip and nae nae infront of him" Wilbur said

"I-ok I said sighing the others watch as I went downstairs to the kitchen and did my dare in front of Y/N's brother and mom.

"BAHAHAHHHAHAHAH" Tommy said as I ran back into the room.

"oH mAh LoRdY LoRd." Y/N said as she laughed

We continued on with the game until it was Y/N's turn to choose

"Y/N truth or dare?" Tommy asked

"Truth" She said

"What is something that you haven't told many people?" Tommy said

"Hmmmmm Oh I know, I haven't told many people except Nikki and my other friends but I'm pan and ace" Y/N said

"As in pansexual and asexual?" Wilbur said

"Yup!" Y/N said

"Oh that's cool" Tommy said calmly

Everyone said congrats and hugged her then we went back to the game. We ended up all falling asleep on the floor of Y/N's bedroom but she didn't mind.

(Time skip to next morning)

Everyone woke up around the same time and we woke up to see Y/N making eggs for everyone. We quickly ate our breakfast and went back to our own houses.

*Y/N's POV*

Everyone had just left and I decided that I should tell stream that I am pan and ace since they did not know.

"Hey chat!" I said as I started my stream.

"Today I just wanted to announce something for those of you that are unaware but then afterwards I will try to speedrun minecraft!" I said

"Well, I wanted to announce that I am pansexual and asexual!" I said nervously

"Hopefully you guys support me and...oh thank you for all of the pride heart emotes in chat, I really appreciate it." I said happily as I did my own heart with my hands

"Ok lets get on with minecraft now....do you now what speedrunning minecraft calls for..." I turned on dreams speedrunning music and started yelling "DU DU DU DU"

I quickly got some wood and craft some tools then went mining. Afterwards I got diamonds and made some armor and more tools then went to the nether to find some ender pearls and blaze rods. Lastly I went to the strong hold to go to the nether and beat the game. I ended up beating the game in 27 minutes and 24 seconds. I ended stream and went to sleep since I was kind of tired. As I was about to fall asleep, I got a text from "THE MINORS GANG" group chat


Congrats on coming out to chat


yea congrats

tubbers husband

im proud of u



bedwars kid



Thanks guys

It was good to know that there was people that cared about me. I put my phone away and quickly fell asleep.

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