"Look fuck you okay!? I'm not having another big head ass son. Get your ass up and go ask her if she's pregnant." "What the fuck for? You the one who think she pregnant!" "I'm not the one bussing nuts left and right to get her pregnant." "What does that have to do with you asking her?" Cookie growled as she stared at him. "If she is pregnant it's your damn baby. So get your fat ass up and go check on your baby mama." "How about you swallow this fat ass dick and I'll think about it?" "How about I cut it off then we won't have to worry about anyone else getting pregnant?" An evil grin on Lu's face, knowing she wouldn't dare. She loved daddy's dick too much to do it.

"Fine. I'll ask her. If it's negative then I want you to give me some apology ass." "How about I don't and we say I did?" He raised his eyebrow at her. If she didn't relax he was going to give her a reason to take a pregnancy test too. So since I'm playing the big bad man as always, what will you be doing?" "Making sure everything is signed off and ready for this damn thing to run as smoothly as possible. I don't want to deal with anything else. I just want to be able to relax too. She better be fucking grateful." "You ain't never lied. I bet next time you'll just agree with me and I'll toss her some dick." "And what about me?" "What about you?" "I want to toss some dick around too." Lu couldn't hide how sexy Cookie sounded saying that. "You know we could always......" A grin matching his crept along her face. Anika wouldn't know what hit her.

After putting together a final gift, the two powerhouses split up. Lucious leaving to make a stop at the store and Cookie off to hold a secret meeting. While Cookie breezed through the day without a hiccup, Lucious was cussing her out in his head. Why the fuck did he agree to talk to Anika about this shit? He tried to think of a good approach to her but none of them played out when he was in front of her in the middle of their bedroom. He just blinked at her then tossed the Target bag in her lap. "What is this for?" Anika asked as she pulled out the box. "Take it and let me know what the results are." He spun around to leave and get him a drink but she jumped up. Hot on his trail. "Ummmm why do I need to do that?" She pressed. "Inquiring minds need to know."

"So Cookie knows you're asking me to take this damn test?" "Why are you asking so many questions? Just go pee on the fucking thing!" "For what Lucious!?" Lu quickly faced her, his glare hot on her skin. "I dont understand how you can just randomly come in here and say take a pregnancy test without even telling me why you think I'm pregnant to begin with." "Do I really need a reason?" The rhetorical question floating in the air. "YES!" Taking his shot to the head, Lu let out a growl. If he didn't love her so much he'd really consider fighting Cookie. "We're just making sure there is nothing to prepare for in the future."

"So let me get this right. You can ignore me about planning something for my birthday but you'll suspect that I'm pregnant for no apparent reason and prepare...... my birthday will be here before a spawn of yours would. How about I don't take this test and we can talk about what you and Cookie have planned for me," Anika suggested, tossing the test on the floor. "We don't have anything planned. Stop fucking around and get your ass in that fucking bathroom!" Anika crossed her arms over her chest and stared at Lucious, her weight shifted into 1 leg. "No." Fed up,  Lucious slammed the glass on down and swiftly snatched Anika up, tossing her over his shoulder. "Put me down!!! Lucious put me down!! I'm not taking that shit!"

Ignoring her yelling, Lu bent down and grabbed the test before walking to the nearest bathroom. "You taking this shit. Or you gonna stay in this goddamn bathroom until you do. I don't give a fuck," he grumbled. She flailed her legs, hoping he'd drop her or something. "Kick me and see what the fuck that gets you! I fucking dare you!" "Put me dooooowwwwwwnnnnnn!!!' She screamed, her crying voice replacing her angry one. "I know you not crying again!" Lu groaned. Standing in the bathroom doorway, he put her down, full blown tears running down her face. "What the fuck is you crying for!!!?" Stumbling over her words, Anika didn't notice the patience in Lucious running out quickly.

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