"Let her go and I'll release Tyler. It doesn't have to get messier than what it already has. I'm not your enemy Jules." Stefan says trying to convince Jules

"It's a little late to be waving a white flag don't you think?" She asks tilting her head a little

"You need to leave town. No one else has to get hurt." Stefan says

"I'm not leaving with out Tyler." Jules argues

"Really your doing this cause of him. You had to torture Caroline because of him. Take him just give us Caroline."  Natalie was getting annoyed that all this was over Tyler.

"Tyler's free to make his own decisions. As soon as you release Caroline." Stefan tells her

"My brother the peacemaker." Damon says as he walks in a few inches away from them.

Everyone turns there head as they hear Damon's voice.

"Since Stefan got here before me, I'm gonna let him try it his way before I resort to my way. Which is a little bloodier. So give us Caroline."

"I might have to join you Damon." Natalie says agreeing with him.

"Let go of Tyler." Jules yell

"Give us Caroline. Without a full moon, it's not an even fight and you know it. We will take you." Damon says smugly.

"I'm not so sure about that, tough guy." Jules whistles as people come out of no where.

"Let's try this again. Give us Tyler." She says looking at all three of them.

"You heard her, go. Get over there." Damon says gesturing to Jules.

Tyler walks over to Jules. Brady speaks up. "Which one of you killed mason?"

"Uh. That'll be me." Damon says point at himself.

"Boys, make sure that one suffers." Brady says pointing at Damon.

Natalie rolls her eyes at Damon stupidity at trying to get killed.

"We can take them."

"I don't know about that."

"Well, then..."

A werewolf come up to Natalie throwing a punch. She grabs his fist and twist his arm making him yell out in pain. She hurries and snap his neck.

Two more come up to her. She quickly says a spell putting the wolves on the ground.

"Phasmatos Morsinus Pyrox Allum."

She snaps there necks. She quickly runs into the trailer behind Tyler. She stays quiet to see if Tyler will open it.

"Tyler! There's a latch. There's a latch on the door and I can't get to it."

Tyler stands there and looks at Caroline. He looks away for a second.

"Tyler?" She says quietly.

Natalie shoved him. "Move if your gonna just stand there and not help."

Natalie crouches down and quickly takes a loose the latch. She pulls the cage up and waits for Caroline to crawl out before letting go of it.

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