29 - What a Love Life

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" And if I do?"

" You won't see him again." He shrugged, returning back to the playpen. Teresa looked down at a sleeping Rolo. She could never in her life tell Luciano she never wants to see him again or that she doesn't love him. That would take an amount of courage she doesn't have.

She snickered a little, realizing Adriano answered her question.

"So you don't want to be more because you're afraid of dying?" He chuckled, shaking his head before his grin faltered and his eyes hardened. "No." He said, "Because I'm afraid of betraying him. Truth be told, I've betrayed him just by being in love with you, but if I'm not dead yet, it's because he knows I would never cross a line that I can't come back from."

" Let me get this straight, you've kissed me, touched me, and slept in the bed with me and none of that is crossing a line? " She laughed, thinking it was funny and so did he.

" You do not claim someone who is another's treasure. Luciano's father used to say that" When he cheated, He thought.

" What does it mean?"

" Sex is a claim to most. Especially females. If you lay with them, you've just added an entire list of responsibilities to your life just for having sex with them. They expect you to do all these things. Well a common stereotype is men don't care. Well I do, and Luciano does. And as animalistic as it sounds, sex indeed is a claim. Because it's not regular emotionless sex, it's betrayal to lay with someone else." He chuckled.

" My point is, you don't lay with a Don with your heart and expect to be able to lay with another person as well. Because you are someone else's treasure, Luciano's. Another man isn't allowed to claim you."

" You're telling me if me and Luciano just had sex only because of sexual desire that he wouldn't care if I had sex with another? " He chuckled, nodding.

" You're not his, why can he tell you who and who not to lay with? "

" So he does care because we have an emotional bond and it's betrayal even though we're not actually together? That's stupid and childish and a possessive asshole." Adriano huffed, furrowing his eyebrows.

" If Luciano had sex with someone this very moment. Would you care? Would you feel betrayed?" Teresa groaned, knowing he was right.

" I thought so. You see commitment is actually a bunch of nothing. It's just a label. Even without the label, you both expect each other not to mess with anyone else, even though you have the right to. I think women care too much about one word... Girlfriend. Luciano doesn't believe in girlfriend and boyfriend. It's only his woman, his queen. That's it, nothing more. So if you want commitment, be prepared to marry him the second he asks, otherwise don't nag him about it."

" That's not fair. I have to marry him? Just to be officially with him?" Adriano stood up, moving the finished playpen.

" You fail to realize a Don has responsibilities to his Mafia just as he does as his relationship. If you want commitment, you have to want complete commitment. If you aren't ready for him at all, you aren't ready for him. Think about that"

" So - does this mean no cuddles?"

" Hell no!" He chuckled. He leaned forward and briefly kissed her. " Adriano you-"

" Kissed you? I did. And you liked it" He chuckled, walking away.

Teresa shook her head laughing. Truthfully Adriano gave her a lot to think about and he was right, she does often fail to realize she isn't just Luciano's priority. His mafia was before her. She didn't know about marriage, but when she thought of why not, she only could think of one thing, the danger and that was enough to deter her. Luciano would be a great father, but what if they have kids? They would be in danger as well.

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