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They arrived at Zaria. It still looked just like a ghost town. Misty handed her mother the gem. Naomi held it up, and soon Zaria looked mystical and wondrous, as if it had been fine all along.

Turns out, all the other people were captured and turned to stone, so they broke free too!

"Can we see the castle?" Misty asked.

"Yes you may, darling." Naomi replied.

"Come on guys! Let's go to the balcony!" Misty said excitedly.

Together, they all walked, hand in hand, making a big long line and ran into the dazzling castle. Through the great hall, down the throne room, up the marble staircase, dashed through the hallway, and out the balcony door.

Misty could hardly believe it! As she looked out, she couldn't believe this was her actual home. All of her people bustling, running, playing, and frolicking in joy. The waterfalls were flowing, the sun was shining, and birds sang out. It brought a smile to her face.

"Alright, Ava. It's story time! Remember your promise about telling us about all those pranks you pulled on your family after we accomplished our mission?" Scarlet asked with an eager grin.

"Well.. OKAY!" Ava started to list off everything she did to her adoptive parents.

Everyone burst out laughing and were rolling on the floor.

"You're making my back hurt from laughing so much!" Lucy said.

Queen Naomi came up. "Everyone?" She said while watching the friends laugh hysterically. "Oh my! Is this a bad time?" She teased.

"No! But you did miss a hilarious story!" Jess giggled. 

"We are going to have a party in your honor! You saved our people, saved Zaria, and most importantly, you worked together to overcome a very difficult obstacle. That's exactly what our purpose is as elements. And I think there is someone who wishes to see you."

"Is this so, Queen Naomi? Who wishes for our presence?" Jasmine asked.

"Miss Fawn from the orphanage!" Naomi exclaimed.

Immediately, Misty, Sophia, and Liam's smiles spread widely across their faces. They looked at each other with happy expressions.

"I am sorry, your highness. For I do not know who that is." Jasmine apologized.

"Miss Fawn is the kind lady who took care of Misty, Sophia, and Liam. She works at an orphanage in the Earthly town of Wilson."

"Yeah! Misty! We can invite her to the party!" Sophia said, her eyes sparkling.

"Will you all come with us?" Liam asked shyly.

"Sure! Why not?" Skylar agreed.

So, together, they teleported to Wilson Orphanage. Miss Fawn and ten kids were in the room having story time.

"Hi!" Misty waved.

They all turned around. Miss Fawn smiled. "Misty? Liam? Sophia? You're here! And you too, Kendall and Ava! I remember you two were Sophia and Misty's friends. And... wow! There are a lot of you! But.. whatever happened to Vivian?" Miss Fawn asked.

"Vivian's dead, unfortunately." Scarlet said. The pain still lingered in Scarlet's voice every time she thought of Vivian.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Miss Fawn said.

"It's okay.. at least, in Heaven, she won't be bullied anymore!" Ava said.

"That's good! Anyway, do you all want to know why you're here?" Miss Fawn asked.

The Quest of the Elements: Misty's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now