Chapter Fourteen: Secrets Revealed

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All around was complete and total darkness. No light. No voices. Just completely empty and quiet darkness all around.

Suddenly, a town appeared that each of the elements found themselves standing in. However, they didn't see each other. They only saw the people in the town and themselves. Other than that, each element was alone. The scene looked like it was an outdoor market. There were a bunch of people, the birds were chirping, just normal everyday lives of humans.

Just then, the pleasant setting changed to a much more eerie setting. Everything's color turned blood red, glitching out, creating static, almost like a horror movie.

Misty walked around and saw everyone had their backs turned on her. She asked them what she had done.

"You failed us! You failed the mission! You don't deserve to be a princess or an element! You, Misty, have lost our trust." Everyone around her was yelling out that sentence.

"Wait. I.. f-failed?" Misty stuttered.

"Why of course you did!" They all screamed.

"Oh.. I didn't know. I'm so sorry everyone." Misty started to cry, feeling super bad for failing. "Who are you all?"

"We are the people from Zaria who died! And you were supposed to be our hero, Misty Thalassa. But you are not who we thought you were." They all booed Misty. "Why don't you go back to Earth as a pathetic human? That is what you are!"

"Again, I am so sorry. I-I.." Misty was starting to get scared.

"You know what? Why don't we kill you? So you know how it feels to die so young so suddenly, get your hopes up that someone will rescue you, but then end up failing you, with that failure being your last chance!"

"WHAT!? NO! I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Misty was trembling with fear. 

The crowd walked towards Misty, grabbed her, and shoved her to the ground, each one taking turns beating on her.

Over where Sophia was, she was thrown into a dark place filled with tons of shadow people.

"Sssssophiaa." The shadows hissed. "Youu would be a perfect addition to our worrlld."

"No! No! No! I'm NOT a bad shadow like you! I'm not gonna listen!" Sophia shouted, covering her ears.

"We aren't all that bad once you get to know usssss."


The shadows grabbed hold of Sophia and sucked every bit of her kind soul right out.

Kendall met an evil spirit.

"Hehehehe!" The demon boomed. "You sweet, innocent child! How precious you are! Let me help you become something you'd never expect!"

Kendall tried to logically figure out a way to beat the demon, but he took her over well before she had the chance.

Ava was losing all of her friends in a battle between good and evil. They were all dead, leaving Ava the only one up against the one who attacked Zaria.

Vivian woke up to her crystal shattered.

"No! How did this happen? This can't break, or I'll lose my power!" Vivian tried to shapeshift, but nothing happened.

Just then, Lydia, Harper, and Zoey crowded around Vivian. They were towering giants over poor Vivian who sat and cried. Lydia, Harper, and Zoey got these wide, creepy smiles that spread across their faces as they taunted her for "peeing her pants" on the first day of school. Below the bullies were her elemental parents' tomb stones. The bullies pushed a hole into the ground next to her parents' and pushed her in.

The Quest of the Elements: Misty's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now