Chapter Two: Misty's New Life

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Miss Fawn walked out and shut the door.

"You can sleep on the bunk with Sophia." Liam offered.

"Here Misty. You can have the top. The blankets are on that shelf by the door and the pillows are in the bin beside the shelf." Sophia said sweetly.

"Thank you, Sophia." Misty said as she grabbed a blanket and pillow and made her bed. "I'll help you guys clean up, too."

"Okay. Thanks, Misty!" Hunter said.

After everything was in the right place, they all sat in their beds and talked. An hour later, Miss Fawn called them down to eat dinner. It was chicken soup, water, crescent rolls, and corn on the cob. Misty wolfed it all down so quickly because she was so hungry. For dessert, they all got some ice cream.

The kids went upstairs and took turns showering and brushing their teeth. After showers, they went back to the room.

"Hey look!" Hunter exclaimed as soon as they entered the bedroom. "It's our star!"

Sophia and Liam's faces lit up.

"What's going on?" Misty asked.

"It's our star! We make a wish on it every night!" Hunter explained. "Come make a wish with us! We all take turns saying them as soon as we say a little chant."

Misty kneeled on the ground with them. They all taught the chant to Misty, then said, "Star. Our beautiful star. May you always be in our sight. Please grant our wishes." 

Liam went first. "I wish for a family."

"I second that!" Sophia agreed.

"I just wish I could walk." Hunter said.

"What about you, Misty? What do you wish for?" Liam asked.

"Well, I don't really know." Misty replied.

"Think of something you really want. It can be anything in the world!" Liam encouraged.

"Okay.. well.. I wish for my mommy to come back.." Misty's voice broke up when she tried to force the words from herself. She really tried not to cry, but couldn't help it.

Hunter, Liam, and Sophia gasped.

"What happened to her?" Hunter asked.

"I'm not really sure, but I think she's dead!" Misty couldn't hold her tears back anymore and started to cry.

"Really!?" Sophia gasped.

"Oh no! That's terrible!" Liam said.

"What happened to your parents?" Misty asked.

"I don't know why, but my mom's in jail." Liam admitted. "I think she was framed multiple times for spying on people. I know she didn't do it, but no one will believe me. I became such a pest about it, that my dad sent me here so he wouldn't have to hear any more complaints from me."

Sophia hugged her doll over her heart. "My parents are dead too, Misty. They both died when they fought in a war. My mom made this doll for me and is all I have left of her."

"My family made me an orphan because of my disability. They didn't have much money, so they couldn't afford the things I would need, like a wheelchair or surgeries that would help me walk, so I had to go with Miss Fawn when I was only two." Hunter stared at his feet and then looked up with a big grin. "But I'm fine now because I have you guys!" Hunter beamed.

They all came in for a hug.

"I'm going to bed." Misty said.

They all got their pajamas on. Sophia gave Misty one of her own nightgowns to use, Liam helped Hunter get into bed, then got himself into bed. Everyone was so tired they automatically went to sleep.

The next day, Hunter, Liam, Sophia, and Misty all went out to play in the field right across from the orphanage. There was an old oak tree they liked to climb and sit on. On it, hung an old tire swing they loved taking turns playing on. Since Hunter couldn't do that, he pretended he was a superhero and he would save his friends from the "Evil Swing Lord"!

In the field, there is a big patch of flowers with daisies, sunflowers, roses, tulips, and daffodils. They each made flower crowns out of them and played castle.

The field also has some woods behind it. They used that space to play a game called "Camouflage". It's like hide and seek, but not. Everyone will hide behind a tree or someplace in the woods where they can remain hidden. The counter has to close their eyes and count to twenty then open their eyes. The seeker can't move from where they're standing and has to look for everyone from there. If they don't see anyone, they will close their eyes and count again, this time to fifteen. The time will always drop by five for each time they count. Once the time drop reaches zero, the game is finished. The hider's goal was every time the seeker is counting again, they have to try to move closer to the seeker without getting caught. If you get within arms length of the seeker, you have to tag them and then you win. It is a very fun game and the friends play it all the time.

Since Hunter would probably ruin his wheelchair by going through the woods, he was always the seeker. He liked his role though. He was the King of Camouflage!! Miss Fawn would sometimes get involved in this game and she too found it amusing.

For Hunter's eighth birthday, they all went to the football stadium to cheer on the Wilson Whales. Their team ended up winning! After the game, they got to go visit the gift shop. Hunter, Liam, and Misty all got jerseys while Sophia got a Whales plushie.

Months passed and finally they were in school at Wilson Elementary. Luckily, they had the same class and had a grand time with each other. They were sure their bond would never fall apart.

One day, however, a man with a cane, because he lost his leg due to infection, came in and wanted to adopt. Hunter was chosen. As Hunter was leaving, he looked back at his friends one final time and looked a little sad. He didn't want to leave now that he had friends.

A couple weeks later, Misty, Sophia, and Liam were having a building competition with legos. Just as each of them finished their structures they were going to get Miss Fawn to judge, a lady came in and adopted Liam.

 Misty and Sophia hugged Liam goodbye and then Liam walked out of the building. And now, Sophia and Misty would never be able to see Hunter or Liam again.

The Quest of the Elements: Misty's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now