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Disclaimer: I don't own Vivo (2021) Netflix. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(AU where Vivo lives on the streets after Andres' death. The film didn't happen. Play the song above when the lyrics come on.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

The streets were nasty to those unfortunately living on its premises. They belonged to the streets alone, if possessing their minds and twisting into a corrupted version driving by survival.


Vivo's not eaten in ages. Food is scarce. Food is what keeps you surving in these parts. Alone enough to entertain those more fortunate.

His stomach formed into knots, twisting in attempts at quelling the underlying desperate hunger he's acquired these last few days.

"Vivo!" A voice exclaimed happily, he looked behind and saw a cheery animal friend. "You actually made it in time!"

The kinkajou's brow raised in interest. It was a planned surprise they made sure he hadn't been made aware. Rarely had he had his guard caught off.

"Yeah, I wouldn't have missed it for the world." He didn't mean that romantically. The other animal nuzzled his shoulder, Vivo flinching slightly from recent pain. Food was scarce. "Sorry, got into a fight with another dog. Let's see this...surprise."

This time around, Vivo can say he's interested.

The animal's arms went over his shoulder tugging Vivo along to wherever he desired. The mentioned rolled his eyes playfully, forming a thumbs up gesture. Anything to get them off his back.

He wanted to collect his daily food portions.


His stomach eagerly reminded the lady statement. Vivo paused in embarrassment, apologising for his sudden stomach growling. The animal snorted in amusement, eyes shining in a good mood.

Thank God.

"Dude, your stomach's really bad." His friend chuckled softly, hand covering as a polite action. "I seen a hot dog court just up the streets."

Vivo suddenly knew where this was going.

"What you say we...grab a few hot dogs."

The smirk he formed could be interrupted in two ways. One is they simply stole, stole from a human struggling with survival just like them, earning a living just so they could sleep somewhere comfortable. Heck, maybe they were proving for their own families with the small amount they were making at least...once a week?

"I don't steal from old me. You know that, amigo?" Vivo smirked smugly, arms folded close. "I don't target the innocent. Not since...him."

Vivo didn't know how humans profits worked, but he did know money mattered in their world. No money, no food. No food? You die.

"C'mon, Vivo." His friend (no, they weren't friends. Mere acquaintances. Vivo couldn't bare losing anyone else). Purred, winking sorta seductively, trying to lure in the bait. "It won't take long. Besides, I know how hungry you are."


His stomach betrayed his mind. Body acting against brain, he felt a finger poking his chest. Capturing his attention, the kinkajou looked unsure, biting his lip and eyeing a different direction. He couldn't admit the other was right through and through.

Vivo: Oneshots.Where stories live. Discover now