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Disclaimer: I don't own Vivo (2021) Netflix. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Second POV for first time is Vivo's. Rest is third person afterwards. Play the song when the lyrics come on.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Your mind is watching. You are chained.

Hands are tied apart. Your attempts are in vain.

"Come out, little kinkajou~"

His voice thunders. You are afraid.

You hide in the darkness. It protects its owner.

"There you are~"

A shadow appears. His soul's torn asunder.

The yellow little kinkajou is hiding in the darkness, curled in the farthest reaches in the mind hoping whatever is there doesn't find his hiding space.

"Little kinkajou."

The thing has the appearance of lutador. Yet it doesn't. It's Vivo's body shape with eyes bottomless as a pit. Black voids seeing even in this darkness.

"What are you?"

The fur figure placed its hand on his chest. Settling there as if it belonged. Vivo's whimpers subsided slowly as he grew used to this new calm sensation.

"There we go, we are one. You can't escape."

Why does this sensation make him feel calm? The panicking feeling Vivo once experienced fizzled down and evaporated into nothingness. Stored in the dark in a bottle that cannot be shattered.

Vivo backed off. Folding his arms close, slipping the mask of neutrality, expression forming into normal emotions. He doesn't like showing weakness.

"No, we're not." He wondered why he bothered visiting his others side. It's a waste of his valuable time. "I try and get along. You only want control."

"If you want to get away from Lutador..."

"I can count on you. You say that every time."

The figure rolled his eyes, circling Vivo in old and new directions he could make himself appear. Vivo trailed his moves making sure he didn't pull any cheap tricks. His other half had bad habits.

He shrugged.

"I only offer help. I don't force myself in control. You...let me take over the mind."

Vivo opened his mouth to retort, but closed it as his words dropped in his throat. He couldn't retort because he had nothing, he had no remarks worthy fighting the admittedly solid argument.

He averted his gaze, biting his lip. It bled a little, Vivo tasting the tangy, sweet, salty. All vile and so intoxicating. Vivo spat out the blood into the floor where it stayed there almost tauntingly.

Why was he indulging his wild instincts?

"See, you want that."

His other side is chucking in a mocking tone and Vivo wanted to punch his one face into the the shadows never seen again.

"Just leave. I hate you. I hate you so much."

Vivo: Oneshots.Where stories live. Discover now