Chapter 28

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y/n's pov
That night nobody slept a lot. We mostly cleaned everything up and tried to fix as much as possible. There were not too much damages ; just some broken doors and walls so with magic it was quite easy to fix. But what took us a lot of time to fix was all the wounded students. They were not very hurt but still. My friend and I were okay, just some bruises. Blaise was more injured than us. He had a broken leg and broken ribs. The professors couldn't help on this point so Madam Pomfrey got a lot of work to do. We just could help cleaning some students wounds and put bandaids on if it was needed. When everything was done we all went to sleep.

"Y/n ? Are you awake ?" Pansy called me from her bed. "Yeah." "You can't sleep either ?" "Not really. But I'm trying." "Don't you wanna talk about what happened?" "I- not right now. Let's just get some sleep and we will talk about everything tomorrow." "We are tomorrow. It's 2 a.m." "Pansy, I'm serious. Just get some sleep." "Okay. Good 'night' then"

It was hard to fall asleep after the events of today but after half an hour without opening my eyes I finally succeeded. I didn't sleep well but at least I did. I dreamt about my dad and Tom. It was awful. Seeing him killing my dad then hearing him telling me he's sorry. I just can't erase those images from my mind. I buried my head in my pillow and cried. I felt a hand rubbing my back "It's okay y/n. If you need to cry then do it. It will help you more than you think." Pansy gently told me. I cried for a whole hour and Pansy stayed next to me trying to cheer me up. She knows it's not that easy to move on after a parent's death but she only wants to be there for me. And again I am so happy and thankful to have her in my life.

"Everyone in 10 minutes in the Great Hall." someone shouted from the common room. I wiped my tears and got dressed. "What do you think it's about ?" Pansy asked me opening our dorm's door. "I don't know. We'll see"

All the tables had disappeared. There was just chairs in rows for the students. The professors were also sitting on the chairs but in the first row. Professor McGonagall stood up and went to the front "Yesterday's event was dreadful. We lost two of the bravest men I have ever known. So today I reunited you to make them a proper goodbye. Severus Snape and Harry Potter. Please everyone stand up and stay silent for a minute to tribute them."

Everyone stood up and stay silent. I could hear people crying and I felt a tear falling down my cheek. Professor McGonagall was crying too but she managed to speak "Thanks to all of you. You can go back to your dorms. The prefects will bring your breakfast to your room. The courses will start again on next Monday."

"I have to see Draco. Go to the dorms and save me some food" I told Pansy. She nodded and I made my way to Draco's room. He wasn't in the Great Hall earlier. I knocked at his door but nobody answered. I pull the door and it was open so I entered the room.

He was sitting on his couch with a bottle of fire whiskey. I could see he was already pretty drunk. "Draco...?" I went closer to him. "Stop drinking Draco. It won't solve anything." He didn't answer and just kept drinking. I tried to grab the bottle out of his hand but he pushed me and I fell on the floor. "Who do you think you are to tell me what to do ?!" he shouted and threw the bottle next to me on the floor. The bottle broke and pieces of glass flew in my direction cutting my skin on my arms and on my face. Blood was falling down my cheek. My arms were bleeding too. I started to cry. Why the fuck did he do that ?

He got up. He had different eyes than when I entered his room. It's like he wasn't drunk anymore. "Y/n, I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was doing." he picked me up from the floor. "Let go off me. My dad died and unlike you, I am not drinking. You can be sad but I am the only one to be the saddest. He was my dad !" I shouted still crying. "That's so unfair. I have known him for so long, he was so important to me. And I also lost Potter. I wouldn't have thought that one day I would like him but he was my friend. I lost two of my dearest friends. There is no such thing as the saddest person. Everyone can be sad and everyone act differently. You can't tell people how to act about someone's death." he calmly said.

"I'm sorry." I fell on the floor again and cried as I've never cried since my mom's death. He hugged me and pulled me closer to him. "Your father told me before he attacks you-know-who to take care of you. And I will. You're under my responsibility now. And not as a child. I want you to be mine forever. I want to take you on dates whenever we want to. I don't want to hide from others anymore. I want you to be my girlfriend." "Draco...I...I love you." He leaned forward to kiss me and I kissed him back. We haven't kissed since I came back yesterday. "Now let's wash your cuts." We went to his bathroom and he washed my cuts and put bandaids on them. "How are you sober so fast ?" "I saw I hurt you so my mind make me realised that I drank too much and I got sober. I don't know why but it's one of my talents." We laughed.

Isn't it ironic ? We were crying two minutes ago and now we're laughing.

"I have to go. Pansy saved me some food for breakfast. I will see you later." I said. He kissed me on my forehead and opened the door for me "y/n" "Yes ?" "Sleep in my room tonight. "Count on me." I winked. "Thank you." I waved him goodbye and went to my dorm.

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