Chapter 18

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y/n's pov
Draco was sitting on my bed with the most angry face I've ever seen. "Sit down!" he ordered me. I sat down next to him and asked "What do you want to talk about?" "Oooh come on. Don't be so innocent y/n. You know pretty well what I mean." "I actually don't." "You don't huh?" He pushed me on my bed so I was laying down. He climbed over me and ripped off my shirt and my skirt leaving me in underwear that he straight away took off too. He took off his pants and boxer. He put his dick inside me and started to thrust himself faster and deeper making me cry. "Dra- Draco stop. Please stop."

The pain was growing as I was crying more and more but he didn't stop. He thrusted himself even faster and slapping my ass at every movement. "You're all mine. Don't you dare being fucked by another guy ever again." he shouted. I couldn't speak anymore. I was crying by the pain. It wasn't pleasure anymore.

I finally could let out some words "Draco ! you- you're hurting me." He stopped. He finally stopped. I pushed him away and got up making my way to my bathroom. I cried all my tears. Why did he do that ? Why didn't he stop when I asked him to ? Seeing me getting hurt gave him pleasure and I won't be able to ever forgive him for that. "y/n ! Open the door ! Listen, I am sorry. I was really angry and I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please open the door." "I told you to stop Draco. And you didn't. So just get out of here." "I-" "Please !" I heard him going out of my dorm and I fell down on the floor. I sat against my bathroom's door and cried.

Draco's pov
I heard y/n cried in her bathroom. What the fuck did I do ? I've never been that angry before but I shouldn't have done that. She won't ever forgive me and I get it. I am a fucking monster.

I made my way to the Three Broomsticks and ordered a firewhisky. I drink and drink over again. My head started to hurt and my sight was getting blurry.

"Hey beautiful" a pretty girl told me at the bar. "Hey." "Wanna go somewhere else...more private?" I hesitated but even if I was angry that y/n had sex with that filthy Riddle I couldn't stop thinking about her. So I said no and went back to Hogwarts. I entered my room and fell on the couch.

Next morning I woke up with a headache but I was already late for the preparation of the Great Hall so I ignored it. I entered the Great Hall and the students were walking out after they had breakfast. The professors were already decorating. "Malfoy. It's been a long time." "Potter. You were so jealous of me that you also wanted to be a teacher huh?" "You will never change huh?" We laughed and helped decorating for the party tonight.

y/n's pov
"Get up sleepyhead ! We have to get ready to go to the Three Broomsticks, remember?" Pansy took me out off bed. I should have locked my dorm's door. "What happened? Did you cry all night or something?" I didn't answer. I didn't want to talk about it at all. "Just tell me if you're okay or not and then I will leave you alone. I swear." she insisted. "I am okay. Just let's get ready." We got ready. I put on a black short and a black sweater with white baskets. Nott and Blaise were waiting for us in the Slytherin common room and then we made our way together to Hogsmeade.

"What can I get for you ?" Madam Rosmerta asked us. "We will take five butterbeers." Nott said. "Is that it ?" "Yes thank you." She went away and Blaise straight away asked Nott "Are you okay man ?" "Yeah why ?" "You just ordered five butterbeers and we are FOUR not five." "Glad you talk about this. I have a date for tonight and my date is gonna arrive soon."
Madam Rosmerta came with our butterbeers and at the same time a tall brown hair guy came to our table. He sat next to Nott and they kissed. "So this is Oliver Wood and we...we are-" Nott was cut by Oliver "We are sort of dating. We are trying. Nott isn't used to date guys so I don't want to force him by going to fast." I was puzzled. Nott and I were dating and now he is with a guy ? This is a big news and I am so happy for him. Just on the moment I didn't know how to react.

"This is amazing Nott. I've always knew it. I mean I wasn't sure but I saw the way you looked at my dick." Blaise teased him. "Shut up Zabini !" They laughed. "No seriously guys, I am glad you take it like that. I was scared of your reaction." Nott confessed. "You're our friend Nott. And friends are made to give you support in any situation." Pansy said. "Thank you guys." I didn't speak. I should have but I didn't. I will talk to him later. Things are going to be easier between us. I don't feel uncomfortable with him anymore. And I really appreciate Oliver. He is good for Nott. They are perfect together.

"Anyway it's time to get prepared for the party. See you later boys. You coming y/n ?" Pansy said. I waved goodbye at the boys and Pansy and we headed back to our dorm. "I am glad you finally decided to come back in the dorm with me." I told her. "Yeah me too. If I spend too much time with Blaise I will end up by getting tired of him." We giggled and she went to the bathroom to have a shower. While she was in the bathroom I just read a book. I couldn't do anything else because I also had to have a shower.

"You can go." Pansy got out of the bathroom with her hair tied in a towel and another around her body. I had a shower and washed my hair. I then used a spell to curl my hair. It works better with our hair wet. "Are my hair okay ?" I asked getting out of the bathroom. "Definitely more than okay. This is beautiful. And with your dress is going to be amazing." She handed me my dress. "Thank you Pansy. You look amazing too."

I put on the dress "Could you just zip it in my back please ?" Pansy got up to help me. "What's that on your neck ?" She asked. "What ?" I looked in the mirror. There were hickeys all over my neck but not just that, there were bruises. These are certainly from Draco. Tom did leave me hickeys but Draco hurt me which left bruises all over my neck. I got images and sensations of yesterday in my mind. I wanted to cry again but I stopped myself. I am not going to cry for that asshole. "Y/n, be honest with me. Who did that to you ?" Pansy was really worried about me but I couldn't tell her. At least not now. "I don't remember. Forget it okay? We need to have fun tonight so let's talk about something else. What lipstick are you going to use ?" She tried her best not to be worried about me and just giggled with me while we were finishing our makeup. I am so grateful for her understanding.

I put on a dark red lipstick and some eyeliner. I don't like to put too much makeup so I didn't do more. I looked at me a last time in the mirror before going to the Great Hall. I have to admit I was really pretty. The heels were according to my dress. And the dress was just so beautiful. Pansy was stunning too.

"Ready ?" she asked. I nodded and we made our way to the Great Hall.

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