Chapter 9

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y/n's pov
I got up and got dressed. I put on a short black skirt and a white shirt and then put on my robe. I let my hair down and just brushed it a little. I wanted to look pretty for Draco and for me of course. I didn't go to breakfast. I was too stressed out to get my potions test so I just eat an apple and directly made my way to potions class.

Nobody was here so I just sat at my desk and waited for everyone to come. A few people entered the classroom after some minutes and Draco came after them. He was holding our test in his hand and he had an angry face. It made me stress more about my father's reaction.

"Okay class. Today I am going to give you your test back. And I am not proud at all. I thought you would have done better but just some of you get a good grade." He started to give the test to every student and finally gave mine. I took it and my eyes widened. I got 100%. How is that even possible ? I looked at my asnwers. Some of the answers that I wrote were correct but the others weren't mine. "How much did you get ?" Blaise asked Nott and I. "I got 35%. You?" Nott said to Blaise "42%" "And I got 56%. What about you y/n?" Pansy said proudly because she had done better than the boys. "You don't need to know." I said. I didn't want them to know I got the highest grade. Pansy got up and took my test so I got up and tried to take it back but she saw my grade and said "You got 100% ? You sucked up the teacher or what ?" She giggled. "You should teach us potions sometime" Blaise said. Nott stayed quiet and just looked at me with some kind of weird look. I hope he doesn't think I actually had sucked up the teacher. Because it's not true. I wanted to but I didn't. We just kissed...unfortunately.

"Class is dismissed. You've got time before your next class so the one who wants to have a good grade next time should go to the library or something and the one who doesn't care can do whatever he wants. I don't care. It's your problem if you fail. If you want to succeed you have to ask for help or study but if you want to fail then I won't stop you." Everybody got up. And as the professor said some went to the library and others went to Hogsmeade or just somewhere to have fun. "You coming?" my friends asked me. "Go ahead I will catch you up."

I went to Draco's desk and asked him about my test "Do you have an explanation of why I got my test with answers who weren't mine?" "So you would have preferred to get 5% instead of 100% ?" he said. "No but it would have been better if that was my answers. Why did you do it by the way ?" "Because I don't want you to fail my class." "And why ?" "You will see after school" he said smirking. I left his class and went to Herbology. When I got there I remembered that I had to talk to him about te kiss but I totally forgot. But it seemed like we were going to see each other after school so I will talk to him later.

"Where were you ?" Pansy asked me. "I had to do something" Before she could ask me more Professor Sprout started to speak and told us what to do with the plants that were in front of every students. And again I saw Nott looking at me with the same look that earlier. I think I will have to get a conversation with him later.

The day passed fast and at the end of school the same girl who told Draco that my father wanted to see him told me the same "y/n, the headmaster wants to see you in his office." "Okay thank you." I answered. I am relieved because maybe she is just the girl who told everyone who my father wants to see and she didn't just want some time alone with Draco last time.

I went to my father's office and Draco was there too. "You wanted to see me, father ?" "Ah y/n, yes I wanted to talk about something with you." he said. "And why does professor Malfoy have to be here too?" I asked. "Don't be in such a hurry. Let me talk first and you'll understand why he's here." I nodded and he started to explain "I saw your last test in potions and I am very proud of you. I also saw your tests in your other classes and they were not as good as the potions one. So I was thinking that maybe Mister Malfoy could give you some of his time to teach you and explain you what you didn't understand in your other classes. What do you think ?" "Uhm...I think I can learn pretty well by myself." I said. "It doesn't bother me at all to give y/n some of my time." Draco said and then smirked at me. "Great thank you Malfoy. So y/n you will have to meet Malfoy in his office after school and on your free class." I nodded and walked out of the office. I didn't really have any choice. It doesn't bother me to spend more time with Draco but the problem is that I don't know if I will be able to concentrate if I am alone with him.

I entered my dorm and Nott was sleeping on my bed. So I just quietly lay down next to him and fell asleep as well. I was woken up at about midnight by a hand stroking my hair. "Hey princess, you okay ?" Nott asked me. "Yes. You ?" "Yes but I was worried about you. You just disappeared when school ended." "I know I am sorry. My father wanted to see me and talk to me about something." "And what did you talk about ?" "He wants professor Malfoy to give me extra classes after school and during my free class." "But why ? You got the highest grade in potions." "That's because I got the highest grade that my father wants him to teach me other classes too. He thinks that I understand better with him than with the other professor. I said no at first but my father didn't give me any choice." "Okay. We will talk about it tomorrow. Let's get to sleep. Good night princess." he kissed me on my forehead and fell asleep again.

I wasn't tired anymore so I got up carefully and made my way to the astronomy tower. I was hoping that Draco would be there because there was several things I wanted to talk about with him. And as expected he was there. Leaning on the railing and looking at the dark landscapes.

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