The Dark Forest

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Your POV
Well today is the day, me and the other teens are going to the "forest".Great how can this get worst."Oh,don't worry thing are going to get worst soon." Ow that voice,who is that. You have a massive headache when you hear that person or thing talk. Then you jumped when you felt someone's hand on your shoulder. You turned your head to see who. "You ok (y/n)?" You sighed for relief seeing that it was Kutsuu that you said yes and then she walk to the dark and erie forest entrance.
After Hours In The Forest
"AHHH!" I screamed when I saw some thing behind the trees. "'s a sheep." A cute little sheep came out from the dark. I keep freaking out seeing or hear something,but not so long everything was dark. I hear Kutsuu calling me,fading away,so then I looked I round I was in no where just a room filled with nothing but darkness.I hear the same erie laugh that my head hurts a lot. "Oh,looks who's sweet little toy." I looked up that only thing I saw was a man with a sky blue shirt,blue jeans,and his eyes were glowing white.I was shaking in fear when I saw his eyes that I asked "who are you?"
Kutsuu POV
Oh no oh no where is she!? I was about to tell (y/n) that everything is alright,but then I saw her gone without a trace leaving her iron sword I gave her. "great" I said with a raspy voice that I hold my diamond sword and I run thing where is she.I was running through the forest slashing my sword at the monster I see that I see two paths one to a kingdom I don't even know of and the other a strange dark room.i thought again who else goes there,then I snapped that I knew who took (y/n) it was a mythical thing that I can't believe it's real it was herobrine. I ran to the dark room fast that I knew things won't be good.
Your POV
The man laugh in a very creepy way. "HEROBRINE!!!" I heard a voice in the distance that I know who's voice that is.
"Oh,its you I thought I already finish you already...Kutsuu." Wait what does he mean finished her and how does he know her!? "(Y/n)!Dont go near this evil bastard." I was confused that before I ran to Kutsuu, he grabbed my wrist and his grip was strong that he pull me to his arms. "I'm sorry be she's mine now." I see Kutsuu griped on her diamond sword that she charged at Herobrine with speed,but Herobrine was right behind her and hit her with his diamond picaxe (can't spell) "well then takeoff you left eye wasn't enough huh" my eyes widen seeing his hands around her neck and also see her left eye missing like someone took it out.Kutsuu slide my iron sword and a bow (with arrows) at my direction that I took my bow.i pulled it back to back and aim at Herobrine then hit him to his side.He groan in the floor then he vanish, I saw Kutsuu getting up and dropping her sword and walk up to me while she hold her wound on the shoulder. "well I have to say nice shot." I saw a smile on her face but before I said something she said,"look I want you to go to a village near by and stay there plus your fake name will be Harper Dianaer." I was in shock while she was on her knees in tear that I didn't know why until I notice her sword was through her stomach and behind her was him,Herbrine. "Kutsuu!!" I look at Herobrine in anger that I grabbed my iron sword and stab him in the heart. "you'll never kill me and you will never hide from me friend is going to get you to me later" I was in confusion and anger when I saw him disappear,again. I dropped my sword and run to Kutsuu that she was bleeding to death that I hold her in my arms, tears went down my cheek. Kutsuu put her hand on my cheek and looked at me with a smile and said to me in a weak voice,"please don't as I fade and remember I am your good friend who's going to be by your side forever." I wiped my tears and smiled when Kutsuu slowly close her eyes then she was gone. I hugged her tight as my tears wet her clothing and I leave her on the ground just sitting with a smile. I walked away from the place, I tried to hold my tries as I walk out and I saw a kingdom in the other path that when I looked back the place I just came out was gone. I walked to the entrance that there was a sigh next to the huge golden gate says "Buttertopia" (deal with it).

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