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"what flavor would you like, sungie?"

jisung paused for a moment and replied; "vanilla, please." he requested, forcing out a small smile.

hyunjin gladly returned it and turned back around to face the cashier of the ice cream place, "one vanilla and one chocolate please." he said.

the cashier nodded, "anything else?"

"nope, that will be it. thank you." hyunjin smiled, fishing out his wallet from the back of his pocket and handing the required amount of dollars. he exchanged it for the two small cups of ice cream and handed one to jisung as they exited the small ice cream place.

jisung quietly took a spoon of the dessert in his mouth, trying not to make his lips fall into a frown immediately. he'd always grown to find it hard to eat whenever he's in a depressed mood- and he couldn't show that he was in this current state because he didn't want the date his boyfriend had planned to fail.

"how is it?" hyunjin asked with a smug as he admired his boyfriend. but, what he didn't try to point out was the depressiveness in his expression.


hyunjin wasn't dumb. he knew something was up with his boyfriend. besides, he'd dated the male for at least two years now and could easily tell he wasn't at his best.

so he tired to brighten up the mood by starting a conversation, "you know, on the first day of my job, i took seungmin to his favorite ice cream cafè because he eats when he's not in a good mood." he smiled on the remembrance. "i actually was proud of myself because that night, he seemed way more nicer after he ate."

"mhm." was all that jisung responded him with. his eyes glanced at the concrete floor they walked on, trying to hide the pain buried in them. it was probably the hundredth time the conversation they held was about seungmin.

and that continued for almost a week. since hyunjin claimed he was taking a break from being seungmin's bodyguard, he was trying to get back close with his boyfriend. but something didn't feel right it jisung's point of view. he could easily see through hyunjin's feelings, better than hyunjin could himself. but that's what pained him. he didn't know whether he should be thankful towards hyunjin- and that he voluntarily wanted to take a break and spend time with him- or feel sick to the stomach when he realized how hyunjin brought up seungmin in all their conversations.

he was quiet the whole time, and he even thought hyunjin had lost feelings towards him at the beginning but as time passed by with them spending more and more time together, he realized that it was in fact true. as much as he didn't want his fear to become reality and as much as it pained him to pretend like his feelings towards hyunjin were existent, he suffered a lot. a whole week, he'd been kissing hyunjin like he meant the world to him. a whole week of pretending to romantically care for someone so desperate. it overwhelmed him.

he couldn't deny but feel guilt everytime he would see hyunjin make up plans to spend time with him. he could see the desperation in hyunjin's eyes, as if he too was forced upon their relationship to last, all because he treasured their connection because it was his first. over their two years of being together, they created this strong bond that was unbreakable, that was until they slowly began to loose those feelings.

hyunjin was just as desperate as jisung would describe him to be. he tried everything- buying flowers for jisung just like how he did when he tried winning over jisung's heart two years ago, or making breakfast for jisung in bed to remind them when he woke up in their apartment, or maybe just cuddling jisung while the younger tried to fill in applications to find a job. everything. but yet, everytime their eyes met, his pupils trembled in desperation to have the weird butterflies erupt in his stomach, or maybe just maybe, he hoped for his adrenaline to increase its speed. but he wasn't going anywhere. all he saw was emptiness. mutual to how he felt.

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