18. Force Majeure

Start from the beginning

Looking out of the window meaninglessly, she belatedly realized that the blue eyes reflected on the windowpane were directed at her. But she indifferently brushed his gaze away. Nathaniel's face turned cold.

He was still for a moment but after a while, he whispered in a suppressed voice.

[What the hell should I do......]

Having said that, he covered his face as if he was a little tired and didn't say anything more.

The carriage quickly escaped from Pronoia and entered the Rubmenian Mountains. Although it is an old road that has not been used since the road was renovated at the national level, it was inevitable to avoid tracking.

'I put on protection magic and anti-tracking magic, and I set off an empty wagon. I've done everything I can, so if I am caught like this......Miss Rubinia must be right.'

On the day of the fire, Rubinia's expression seemed to be really worried about Kyrie. But there was also the possibility that she was acting. Everything worked out, considering that she had conspired with wizards to lure Kyrie to the market and then left her.

'I have instructed MarryAnne what to do in such a case, so now....'

It was at that moment. The wagon began to shake as if there had been an earthquake.


Kyrie staggered and was thrown to the floor of the wagon. On the other hand, Nathaniel looked at the outside with an elegant attitude to the point of it was disgusting.

[It's magic. There are quite a few, so it would be difficult for the forest beast. Tell me to save you, Kyrie Buchanan.]

Kyrie ignored Nathaniel and stuck to the window. Suddenly, MarryAnne ran out. Every leaf from her bosom burned with the flames of her magic.

"You can't touch the lady!"

Nathaniel was right. MarryAnne is doing well, but the situation is unfavorable. The wagon was on an open mountain pass, and the enemy was hiding in the woods and sniping them.

Then the magic flew from the back instead of the front. The third carriage with the corpse of the Marquis of Vermont was enchanted and tilted. MarryAnne nerves were naturally drawn to it.

"Ah! No! I have to protect it!"

It was clear that he was aiming for that loophole. Aiming at the moment when MarryAnne's defense had collapsed, his magic started pouring all at once on Kyrie's carriage.

Bang bang!


The carriage lost its center and leaned. It was on the verge of overturning due to the steep slope next to the mountain road.

[If you are lucky, you may bump into a stone, fall off a cliff farther away, or stop and be caught by the wizards. It must be one of the three.]

Even in that urgent situation, Nathaniel did not lose his dignity; he spoke calmly. His gaze was still directed toward Kyrie. It was a gaze that seemed extremely blind to everything else.

Kyrie's eyes met Nathaniel, and she responded by biting her lips, so as not to weaken her own heart, no matter what he did.

Nathaniel clicked his tongue with a ferocious expression.

[Yes. I guess so.]

At that moment, the wagon that was barely holding on, overturned and started rolling down the slope. Kyrie's body was mercilessly thrown into the corner of the carriage.

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