10. Skit

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Volume 3

A few days later, Joey delivered Laura's message.

「Kyrie, my cutie! Did you hear the story? Maybe you can live like you used to! I'm looking at the situation, so please work a little harder. Don't think about bad things! With love, Laura Fort Ducaine.」

Seeing Laura's distinctive handwriting and cheerful tone, Kyrie felt like she could hear Laura, and it made her smile. Her letter was also accompanied by a small package. There were several small mana stones.

「P.S. It's a prototype that our family made in a hurry! It's a mana stone that changes your hair color, so I'm sending it to you because I'm wondering if you're bored when you're in the house, right?」

Kyrie was finally able to go outside after being cooped up for two weeks. She seemed to be relieved going out not with her light purple hair, but with brown hair, and even dressed in clothes she had borrowed from Josephina. Soldiers had to be avoided, but that itself was fine. Holding Federica's hand, she went out to the street with Joey, who was escorting her from somewhere, and there was a smell of people.

"Mom, is there a meat side dish today?"

"Last discount!"

"Oh, it's cold. When will winter end?"

"The price of firewood has gone up too much......."

"A thief broke into a house in the upper district."

"Oh, my God!"

"All the fine wines have been sold to the palace."

The scene of the noisy street couldn't be so lovely. Just in case, Federica grabbed Kyrie's hand, walking with her face covered excitedly.

"Unnie, that's Trevor over there! ...The Howards are more behind....!"

Occasionally, a passerby who knew Frederica would stop for a chat, Frederica would smile broadly, and they would smile back and carry on. Aaron's voice, which persistently lingered in her ear, was buried in the noisy commotion of the market.

After a very long time, Kyrie felt alive.

Another two weeks went by like this.

Balls were held every day at the palace. Despite the constant snow, people were lively. Kyrie had acquired a knack for avoiding the patrolling soldiers, and so began to run errands for the household.

"How much do you want today?"

"Give me one muscle."
(PR/N: 1 geun = 1 Korean pound = 1 catty = 1 muscle = 1 600 grams)

"I think Miss should take one muscle per person."

Antonio, a well-known butcher's house, made a joke. Kyrie smiled.

"I'm eating more than I used to."

"You mean, you've gained some weight? That's how it should be!"

Antonio handed over the wrapped meat, squinting his tear-stained eyes.

"Thank you. Have a nice evening, Antonio."

"You too, Miss!"

The way back after buying things was always lively. The sunset in the evening was wonderful, and the sound of people speaking was more beautiful than orchestral music.

"It's freezing."

"Last discount!"

"Fort Ducaine's ship has entered Clasico."

"Is this the start of an ice age?"

"The price of firewood has gone up too much......."

"A thief broke into the house in the lower district."

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