18. Force Majeure

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It's the day to finally leave Pronoia. On a foggy dawn, several people gathered in front of the Pronoia Grand Library to see Kyrie off.

"Are you really okay? I can give you an attendant."

Chairman Temer frowned and looked around. There were only four wagons for Kyrie, Rubinia, the Marquis of Vermont, and the servants. Even then, all those who rode the chariots for the servants were the attendants of Rubinia.

"Because Lord Legend is there, nothing will happen while you go, but it's still a bit too modest...."

"It's okay. I like to go quietly."

"Is that so....."

"I will invite you to the next lord's inauguration ceremony. Until then, I wish you all the best."

Then Dr. Poe and Dr. Hawksong stepped forward. Dr. Poe, who had been squinting his eyes with a handkerchief earlier, hugged Kyrie with emotion. Although it was an informal act, Kyrie smiled and patted Dr. Poe on the back.

"I owe you a lot. Thank you. When you come to the capital later, be sure to stop by Buchanan."

"Say my regards to Dr. Hartwood....."

"Yes. Also don't worry about Dr. Seward's work."

"Be careful when traveling."

"You too."

When she turned around after leaving Dr. Hawksong's neat greeting, Rubinia, who had been waiting in advance, stood up crookedly and said,

"It's kind of virtuous."

"They are good."


Rubinia raised her eyebrows.

"But what about the Marquis of Vermont? No matter how pressured he is, he doesn't show his face once?"

Her gaze rested on the second carriage from the end. There was the body of the Marquis of Vermont, which MarryAnne had frozen cold, and the watchman, still unconscious. Kyrie naturally turned the topic around.

"It's not going to be a good thing. I didn't know that you would go with me. You are on your honeymoon."

"I'm annoyed. Are you kidding me?"

"Is it possible?"

"Huh. After all, there is no other city to see after Pronoia!"

"Then, I think, you should leave with me in a wagon and look around...."

"No! I'm the Crown Princess, so I'll use the carriage alone!"

Rubinia replied bluntly, and she slipped into her carriage.

Kyrie let out a small sigh and got into the carriage in front of her. Nathaniel sat first, just as she had feared. Kyrie sat quietly in the seat he had vacated. The carriage set off in the stillness.

Kyrie stared blankly at the scenery flowing out of the window in the carriage. There were only two left, but she wasn't as uncomfortable as she thought. It felt like her nerves that were sensing Nathaniel had been cut off.


To the extent that such a call can be ignored.

There was no need to try not to blink or even breathe deliberately. Ever since she lied that everything was a lie, it really seemed like all those feelings had become lies. Or maybe it's just that she is tired because she put too much force on her shoulders.


Nathaniel called Kyrie again, but Kyrie just kept thinking about it without saying a word.

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