Twelve Percent

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"Losing half my armour is not twelve percent." Klein was awestruck at the revelation, checking his damaged armour as his brother wasn't too interested in the logistics. The last mission they had was not one he wanted to remember, gripping his right arm tightly, shaken by the experience. Who would've thought that a resurgence of goblins would cause so much discourse in the southern districts.
Neil was almost disturbed by the entire experience, seeing so much bloodshed as he had soon snapped himself.

Klein leaned back on his couch in annoyance, watching as his armour continued to disassemble over the weight of itself. Shaking his head, Klein groaned as he would need to come up with a compromise of sorts when they get back. Florence was the one who spent so much gold in order to get the right enhancements, clutching his head more stressed than ever.

"Remind me to apologise when we get back, I might just salvage the non-broken pieces of equipment and use them for something else." Klein said, taking apart some of his armour as Neil watched on in silence.
He'd take the broken pieces back to Florence, albeit with a large sum of silver coins as an apology.

"I can understand the goblins, but when the minotaurs came...."  Neil mumbled, clutching his arm as he remembered the near-miss that almost took off his entire arm. Now fashioning a scar running down the outside of his arm, wrapped by bandages, the younger brother just couldn't let go.

"Actually they're called Bullmen-"

"I don't care what they're called, we're calling them minotaurs!" Neil shouted, interrupting his older brother. Shrugging at the outburst, Klein went back to work as his younger sibling went to lie down on the nearby bed.
Back on the comfy mattress, Neil turned to the window beside him looking at the night sky.

"You think we'll ever get out of this shithole?" Neil asked, his sights set on the full-moon as he wrapped the beds sheets around him. Lying in wait for an answer, the younger brother's response was the tinkering, clinking of armour.

His eyes trailed towards Klein who was too distracted to talk.

"Klein." Neil asked again, turning back towards his brother who only shrugged in response.

"Of course we are, why do you even ask that question?"

"Because it's quiet and I want something to talk about." Neil said, to which his older sibling shook his head. Letting out a gigantic sigh, he pulled himself away from his suit of of armour and rolled onto the bed beside his younger brothers.

"You wanna talk? Let's talk."

It would be few minutes before the Klein would fall asleep, leaving Neil about to burst out in laughter at the revelation. Taking a breath to avoid the explosion, he covered his bedsheets over him as Neil could finally get some shuteye uninterrupted by the sound of progress.

"Ah, silence... My best friend..." Neil said, lying back onto the bed as he let his eyes droop closed. The cold air oozing in from the now-closed windows, matched with the fireplace's warm ambiance created the perfect temperature to sleep to. It was perfect, and Neil knew it more than anyone. Drifting off to sleep, Neil was happy that his older brother had finally gotten the sleep he needed.


"So this is where the Brother's of Aloysius are staying?" Of all the emotions he could feel right now, it would be a mix of genuine surprise and ruined expectations. When Prince Leo had heard that the brother's had been spotted defending the southern & western districts from attackers, he had rode on horseback to meet the invading force.
But by the time he had arrived, both army and brother's had retreated from the scene.

Their reputation had begun to skyrocket after that, so much so that they had gone into hiding in one worst places to stay hidden in. Somewhere in the city so full of life that was the Southern Citelle, it's multitude of informants and eyes watching from both royal and commoner alike. So it went without saying how strange it was to find the brother's in a small tavern in some dead-end alleyway in the middle of town.

"Not what I expected from heroes of Citelle..." Leo mumbled to himself, approaching the door as he went to knock.

"Please Prince Leo, let me take the lead. These two are clearly a threat to this society-!" The general known as Siegwen had already begun to protest his doubts yet again, as Leo tried with all his power not to groan at his lack of faith. Ever since he had heard of the brother's, his assigned guidance had been diverting Leo from these two outsiders and tried to have them killed.
All this information dropped on him in one night, as just yesterday he was supposedly his good friend.

"That'll be enough, Siegwen." Leo said, not turning around as he entered the tavern first. Moving inside with his entire unit, the lady behind the bar perked up almost immediately, sweating rivers when the prince walked in. 

"Hello there, might I ask where-"

"Second floor first door to the right." The tavern lady had interrupted the prince, responding almost immediately to the group.

"I-I see... Thank you, ma'am." The prince said, bowing slightly as he went up the stairs to the left of the room. The guards followed from behind, holding up his red cape as they found themselves in a dark hallway. Following the lady's instruction, Leo beckoned two of his personal guards to join him.

First door to the right... Here it is... Leo was finally there, hand raised as he was about to knock on the door. Weeks of information gathering and rumours have led him to this inn, all the recent changes to the adventurers guild, the reasons were right behind this door. Leo wouldn't lie, this was pretty exciting to the young prince.

Slowly gripping the doorknob, he was surprised to find it unlocked as he waltzed in with a hopeful gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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